What gets measured, gets improved. It sounds simple, does it not? We have experienced and seen over the past year that the simple act of merely measuring something can have a tremendous influence on the thing itself (Covid 19 pandemic). If you track your steps with an app you will strive to complete your 10,000 a day. If you track what you eat, you will make better choices that bring you nearer to your goal weight. If you keep a note of your spending with your income you will see improvements in what and where you are spending. If you track your screen time, you will be shocked at how many hours you mount up at the end of the week.

The beautiful thing about booking a four hour CHEK consult with me, is that there is no guessing, only accessing. Everything is tracked, measured and recorded , so we know where we are starting form and where we are going too. This comes right down to sleep, diet, stool diary, flexibility, strength and range of movement to name but a few…….

Now the really important thing here is this: Just focus on measuring to begin, is a start, you then have to maintain the behaviour, lifestyle or habit to sustain the outcome that you want..

What do you want to improve? Is it:

  1. Your weight
  2. Your flexibility
  3. Your job
  4. Your finances
  5. Your relationships
  6. Your life story
  7. Your posture
  8. Your core strength
  9. Your pain
  10. Your inflammation
  11. Your state of mind
  12. Your reaction to your friends, family or work colleagues

When are you ready to take accountability?? Maybe when your work/life balance is clearer right???

Maybe next month when everything is back open????

Maybe after the school holidays?????

Tim Ferris quotes: “For all of the most important things, the timing always sucks”. 

Believe me the time will never be right to quit your job, the magic pill you’re waiting for to stop fat may never appear, conditions will never be perfect. The traffic light will never go on green and there is no prefect day to make change.

It’s like toothache, the longer you leave it the worse it becomes.

Is it that simple??

Well you can start by booking your free phone consult today: 0800-246-1251


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