Monthly Archives: April 2021

The bathroom stinks……….

“My child, partner or friend is stinking out the bathroom”………is something that I regularly get told. Foul-smelling stools have an unusually strong, putrid smell. In many cases, foul-smelling stools occur due to the foods people eat and the bacteria present in their colon. However, foul-smelling stools can also indicate a serious health problem. Diarrhoea, bloating, or flatulence may occur [...]

Will Pilates cure my back pain?

Any movement to the body will either help of hinder us. This will depend on the condition of the tissue, the health of the person plus the environment (in other words the allostatic load). As Hippocrates said: “Food is either your medicine or your poison". The same goes for movement. There is no such thing as [...]

By |2023-06-07T20:49:29+01:00April 29th, 2021|anger, anxiety, life, pain, tired|0 Comments

Will Pilates make me flexible?

First thing to remember, having a flexible able body will give you longevity in life.  Having a flexible mind will help you look at many points of view, giving you more empathy and compassion for others. Whether you are a weekend warrior athlete, a grandparent lifting the children or an office worker. We will all [...]

What is the core???

The most common quote that I hear from clients is: “My physio or surgeon said I need to fire up my core?? So what exactly is the core and does it even exist. Firstly Joseph Pilates referred to the core as powerhouse or centre. In Yoga it is referred to as the bandhas. In cadaver [...]

Are you the straw man?

A straw man fallacy occurs when someone takes another person's argument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the extreme distortion, as if that is really the claim the first person is making. I get flack from friends and relatives who think I am completely against [...]

Pilates & allostatic load for long covid

Pilates is a low impact gentler form of movement that can be ideal for long covid patients. This should work in conjunction with looking at diet, hydration, sleep, nutrition, thoughts and breathing.  Long covid or long flu has many complexities and does not present black and white. However, we do know that long covid has [...]

You can’t be everyone’s cheerleader

People come to me with everything from chronic pain to sports performance. If we want to see change in our body, we have to change our behaviours. In order to change our behaviours, we have to change our belief system. The hardest client to work with our firstly: Ourselves Spouse or partner Family Extended family [...]

Why I choose not to live in fear

We are all in charge of our own destiny. We cannot choose how others think or behave, but we can choose how we think and behave.  The problem is that we expect everyone to share our belief system. Over the past few years, it has become clear that chronic inflammation is the underlying cause of [...]

What gets measured, gets improved

What gets measured, gets improved. It sounds simple, does it not? We have experienced and seen over the past year that the simple act of merely measuring something can have a tremendous influence on the thing itself (Covid 19 pandemic). If you track your steps with an app you will strive to complete your 10,000 a day. If [...]

By |2021-04-12T18:24:34+01:00April 12th, 2021|anxiety, pain, Philsophy, psychology, transformation|0 Comments

Why movement and exercise should always be essential.

‘90% of stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine’ Dr.K S My definition of health is one who honours their body through movement, rest, nutrition and recreation and takes adult responsibility for their choices. Movement not only keeps a leaner figure, it reduces the risk of heart disease. [...]

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