Monthly Archives: September 2018

Bare feet – Are these disappearing? Part 1

You may of seen me wearing these mad chicken type shoes in class. They are vibram five fingers . I have not seen many people wearing them. We are all sold trainers constantly by the media. We are shown the benefits of wearing so many of these shock absorbing shoes, usually sponsored medical papers by [...]

Heart shaped bottom syndrome & a bloating belly

Is this you? Upon waking your belly may be flat but by the end of the day it's bloated and enormous? You may also be suffering form flatulence and smelly poops. It's a very British thing that we don't want to talk about our bottoms and also do not want to be touched there in [...]

By |2024-07-26T08:34:08+01:00September 22nd, 2018|anatomy, back pain, Gluts, life, stress, sugar, tired|0 Comments


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