Title: The Ultimate Pilates Matwork Course (Going Beyond Level 3)


Become a certified Pilates Matwork Instructor through our comprehensive training program, led by experienced instructors and based on Pilates principles. The hybrid program includes an online prerequisite and face-to-face instruction.

You will learn foundational Pilates principles such as

  • breath control
  • core stability
  • alignment
  • mind-body connection

The training covers designing and sequencing classes for various fitness levels, including modifications and progressions.

The curriculum includes the 34 original Pilates exercises, from fundamental to advanced techniques.

You will master effective cueing, demonstrating exercises, providing hands-on adjustments, and creating a supportive class environment.

The program also covers relevant anatomy and biomechanics, offering insights into

  • the musculoskeletal system
  • postural imbalances
  • and injury prevention

Enabling you to tailor your teaching to individual client needs.

Join us on this transformative journey and discover the joy of helping others improve their strength, flexibility, and well-being through the practice of Pilates. Start your journey towards becoming a certified Pilates Matwork Instructor today!