Monthly Archives: August 2020

The man who knows all can learn nothing…

We are filled with fear, anger, confusion and most importantly hope at this time in life. I am going to tell you a story about two men, Louis Pasteur and Antoine Beauchamp's and their relevance to where we are today. These are strange times and the same conflict that was upon these two men in [...]

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasures you seek” – Joseph Campbell

What holds most of us back from changing our body, our views and belief systems, recovering from illness, changing relationships with the self and others or getting rid of disease and pain? Joseph Campbell was a professor of comparative mythology and religion. His book: 'The hero with a thousand faces' was credited to the movie [...]

The fat cells of 42 – 57 year old females

So I am approaching 50 and my body is changing all the time. One size does not fit all. It's a myth that pilates or any other kind of exercise makes you slim. Flat abdominals always start in the kitchen. Everyone is different and this is why consultations are so important. We need to access [...]

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