Be a vehicle for adding value to people’s lives. Relationships will either highlight or magnify emotions. We value what we do highly. For example, being out of shape shows the value system is not high enough to be in shape. We expect everyone to have the same values as us. We often get the opposite of what we want, value always has to move away from pain and towards pleasure or both. Benefits of all results in equal secondary gains. It’s not about the weight loss, it’s about the way you look and feel. If you want to feel confident, I can help you work on the lower surface levels and then real deep benefits will show on the outer levels.
Everything we do and think has an energy consequence and will impact people, places and things around us. Are you saying yes to too many things? Stay uncommitted so that you can commit to other things of value. What’s the energy consequence of this?? The story of your life is being written with everything you’ve done today.
How to get better at doing less.
If you don’t know what the core values are, how will you get results?? What do you get from your values? Values make it easier to make decisions. You will create a successful life when we live by our highest value. Human beings will naturally do anything and everything to stay safe, avoid being rejected, feeling silly, being criticized and avoid being embarrassed.
What feelings and emotions do you want to feel less of? Get a handle on guilt and regret. Guilt and regret only happen when you only see the drawbacks and disadvantages.
We all have a strategy to feel rejected. How to make it easier to feel the opposite?? We do what we do based on whether we are prepared to move towards pleasure or pain. If we want to experience more happiness, we must give ourselves permission to be creative.
Emotion – is energy in motion. We put the power of our feelings into someone or else or something. The story of your life is being written with every decision that we make. What feelings and emotions do I want to experience more of? Feel great now rather than feeling great when ….
Less resentful
And more achieved
Life is a growth centred experience. Don’t rely on someone or something else.
When we have more focus, calm and happiness we will have more abundance and be more energised. Abundance is knowing that there is enough money, energy and gratitude for other people; develop skills to facilitate behaviour. Most skills are on such a low vibration, that they produce negative emotions which is unconsciously competent.
Be grateful and abundant. Consciously practice the skill of creating the emotions we want. How can we win the game of certainty if we don’t create the rules? We are in charge of creating our own beliefs and rules.
What rules do I have about feeling happy?? We make the rules that develop the skills of feelings and emotions.
List the emotions that you feel when you are frustrated.
Being ready for life is being prepared.
If you are training Saturday, don’t drink on a Friday. It’s easier to see your vision when you are in good health. Ask yourself does your choice fit your mission? If you don’t understand your values, you will keep saying yes to instant gratification. Are you clear on your values and mission?? Are you still struggling to say NO??
Contribution and growth are found here. All energies have a consequence. What are your values and visons?
Can you find the opportunity???
What is the ideal antenna for this to be approved?
The body and mind need to have goals to move towards stopping the brain from finding problems. Shift your energy elsewhere. We create a successful life when we live by our values.
We will we do anything to avoid feeling:
- embarrassed
- Rejected
- Feeling silly
- Being criticized
In other words we won’t be ourselves.
What feelings and emotions do you want to feel less of?? Get a handle on guilt and regret. Guilt and regret only happen when you see the drawbacks and disadvantages. We all have a strategy to feel rejected. We need to know how to make it easier to feel the opposite. We do what we do based on whether we are going to move towards pleasure or pain. We want to experience more happiness. We don’t give ourselves permission to….. Create your reality based on your rules.
I’ll feel happy when …… does not exist.
“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
― William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well
Paul Mort webinars