Whether you think chakras are airy-fairy or have significant connotations, the evidence shows how the structural/postural relationships and muscular imbalances connect with the  human being.

When we are in any sort of pain,  discomfort, or experience a tragedy in life, we embark on a journey of self-exploration and self discovery. If we want to achieve optimal balance the end journey must be explored. This means not only practicing specific postural corrective exercise or rehabilitation programs but also a connection to the spiritual, mental and emotional being. In my 25 years experience of teaching I know that if we treat just the physical it just becomes a quick fix as “we can’t solve the problem with the same thinking that caused it.”


Very rarely do we ever think of round shoulders, shoulder impingements, breathing problems being connected with low self esteem, being hurt or lack of self confidence. By understanding the emotional patterns that are related to specific chakras, we can contemplate, accept and then let go of these patterns and evolve a further stage along our path to well being and peace of mind.

Chakras are related to the body’s subtle levels and forces. These are known as nadis. There are said to be 72,000 in the body and they are interrelate with the Chinese meridian lines and the teachings of acupuncture.

The subtle levels are:

  1. Life force (prana)
  2. Knowledge (manas)
  3. Understanding (Buddha)
  4. Ego ((Ahamkara)
  5. Chitta (feeling)

There are seven major chakras in the body; they bridge the gap between the body’s subtle level and gross material level (flesh, bone, fat, marrow, fluids, etc.). They are situated in line from the perineum (area between the genitals and anus) to the crown of the head, embedded along a single nadis channel.

470253.image0The word chakra means wheel or disc from this we can visualize vibrating prana moving through them. They are often depicted as lotus flowers. Lotus flowers are very much a national emblem in India, they are everywhere and a symbol of peace. The lotus flower starts in muddy water and eventually blossoms to the air – its very much similar to our own life journey. We need to be connected to become evolved, but first we must travel through the material world to find a place with in it.




Prana, life force, chi, dantiene is a must for the chakras to evolve and move together. It’s a bio-electrical magnetic field and from this field the chakras draw up and disperse energy. When our prana flows rhythmically through the vortexes and nadis even energy is dispersed creating harmony, balance, calmness and tranquility. There will always be energy blocks throughout the system, these can be anything form injuries, emotions to physical problems, environmental toxins and a poor diet. When the flow energy is blocked the vibrational field slows down, the result can be feeling of being stuck, restricted, lack of drive and enthusiasm, depression and so we work to bring everything back in balance.


“Anatomy of Yoga” – Lee Brandon and Nikki Jenkins

“Chakra workout”- Pustak Mahal