Does it feel good when we judge, criticize, blame, shame and put other people down?
As a Pilates teacher, we have been given the greatest gift ever. Everyone that we meet brings us a gift in life. There are no negatives without positives, everything happens for our growth, rather than to us.
Every moment of the day, our feelings, perception of life and our reactions either come from a place of fear (scarcity mindset) or from a place of love.
Every time we encounter a new person, we have the power to empower and lift others to reach their potential.
Pilates teachers tend be the first port of call when someone has a birthday, new-born, divorce, bereavement, illness, celebration or tragedy.
If you truly want to empower others, you need to think about the words you say to yourself and the way you talk about others!
- Small minds talk about other people (gossip, drama)
- Mediocre minds talk about events
- Great minds talk about solutions
Be mindful of your words, as they echo through the body.
The vibration of your words echoes to everyone and resounds in every organ. Our emotions store in different areas of the body such as the heart.
‘We have found there is a direct relationship between the heart-rhythm patterns and the spectral information encoded in the frequency spectra of the magnetic field radiated by the heart. Thus, information about a person’s emotional state is encoded in the heart’s magnetic field and is communicated throughout the body and into the external environment.
Figure 6.3 shows two different power spectra derived from an average of 12 individual 10-second epochs of ECG data recorded during differing psychophysiological modes. The plot on the left was produced while the subject was in a state of deep appreciation, whereas the plot on the right was generated while the subject experienced recalled feelings of anger. The difference in the patterns and thus the information they contain, can be seen clearly. There is a direct correlation between the patterns in the heart rate variability rhythm and the frequency patterns in the spectrum of the ECG or MCG. Experiments such as these indicate that psychophysiological information can be encoded into the electromagnetic fields produced by the heart.’1 Institute of heart Math
The soul’s vehicle is expressed in the body.
If you want to truly lead others, you must lead yourself first.
You will have to look at your own flaws and inner shadow first.
Now you must want to change yourself first!
95% of clients and teachers that I meet will keep telling me how much they want to change, but the truth is 90% will stay the same.
Why is this?
The solution is always beyond the pain!
Because at a subconscious level, many people don’t want to change, people want to stay where they are.
When I give the solutions, and they will constantly self-sabotage or move the goal posts.
Those who terminate their inner soul contracts with their relationship with themselves and others, fear WHO they will become if they change. They have umpteen stories that they keep validating themselves with. I give them a way out, but they don’t recognise it.
Awareness is what creates the shift in order to navigate yourself through the ups and downs in life and see opportunities in all problems.
Paul Chek media
Warren Williams media
Paul Mort media