
“As above so is below”.  

“The mind when housed in a healthful body, possesses a glorious sense of power’ – Joseph Pilates. The method of movement that you all know me for is: ‘Pilates’. The whole purpose of movement is to provide the body an environment in which it can heal itself from dis-ease and disconnection. We can all transform our pain into [...]

Don’t be the best, be the only!

At this stage of life, for me, teaching, coaching and consulting is much more about WHO I work with and the IMPACT I can bring rather than how MANY people I work with. We all have so much stuff going on in life and every person has challenges in many different ways. I have spent [...]

How to find a good or bad Pilates reformer apparatus class!

Firstly there are no good or bad. Everything in life is based on our perception. Our perception is determined by our upbringing including schooling, education, religion, beliefs and environment. Perception bias is the tendency to perceive ourselves and our environment in a subjective way. Although we like to think our judgment is impartial, we are, in fact, [...]

Are you unstoppable???

Do you feel you are star gazing and not making progress in your life, work, relationships or body? Are you comparing yourself to others instead of focusing on your daily actions, core values, dreams and goals? Life is like a train pulling all the carriages. The train engine starts slow down the track and then [...]

Should we be stretching, releasing, pandiculating or strengthening the hip flexors?

Firstly nothing works in isolation. A muscle can only exist is someone has cut it out and then put then labelled them origin and insertion. All muscles, organs and emotions are part of a full holistic bio emotional profile. However if we want to look at  a muscle in isolation, the hip flexors are the [...]

By |2023-02-23T09:00:55+00:00February 23rd, 2023|accepting change, anatomy, back pain, life, love, thinking, Thoughts|0 Comments

In the way or on the way?

“I can’t do that because XXXX will happen". These beliefs will prevent you from taking action. Every decision that we make comes from our Amygdala (Amygdala is the integrative centre for emotions, emotional behaviour, and motivation. The amygdala is commonly thought to form the core of a neural system for processing fearful and threatening stimuli).  Our [...]

What do you need to say ‘No’ to in 2023??

As 2023 approaches, we all have New year’s resolutions in our bodies, business, relationships and careers.  My experience is that most of the decisions we make are not sustained long term. The hardest resolution to change is always health related.  If we do not have our health, how can we improve our energy, our emotions, [...]

We are not here to fit into life, we are here to stand out in life!

Perhaps not as dynamic as the great Houdini, but enough to invoke question and change. We cannot change the past but we can change the present moment and our future. Are you a victim or your history or a master of your destiny? Becoming your most authentic self requires you to leave your mark on [...]

Why most lower back pain problems have no known cause!

According to NICE (National Institute for health and Care Excellence) FEB 2022: Low back pain is common [Palmer et al, 2000; National Collaborating Centre for Primary Care, 2009; Campbell and Colvin, 2013]: Up to 60% of the adult population can expect to have low back pain at some time in their life. A UK population-based cross-sectional study of [...]

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