Increasing blood sugar levels are associated with cognitive decline, a long-term study has found wheat effects reach the brain in the form of opiate-like peptides. The polypeptide exorphins responsible for these effects come and go, dissipating over time, Exorphins instruct you to eat more food, increase calorie consumption. All these effects are reversible.
Stop eating wheat and the side effects will go away. Wheat affects our thoughts and behaviour. Its the cerebellum and other nervous system structures with consequences ranging from incoordination to incontinence, from seizures to dementia that are most frightening and as I said again are reversible.
If I were to blindfold you and put you loose in a room with lots of objects, you would most likely have impaired ability to navigate. This impaired function in the brain is called ‘cerebellar ataxia’, the person can lose control, go dizzy and fall over. Its a severe condition resulting from inflammation.

Ataxic gait- unsteady walk.
Cerebella ataxia gets worse as the years go by with the person eventually unable to brush their hair or go to the toilet.Now, let’s look at celiac disease, 10-22.5 % of coeliac sufferers have nervous system involvement. The destructive immune response responsible for the diarrhoea and abdominal cramps can be directed against brain tissue. The gluten brain connection underlies most symptoms, neurological impairment was suspected as long ago as 1966, it was thought to be due to the nutritional deficiencies accompanying the coeliac disease.
With regards to cerebellar ataxia, only limited recovery of neurological function can occur with wheat gluten elimination due to the poor capacity of brain tissue to regenerate. Most people will stop getting worse once the flow of gluten stops.The painful reality of cerebellar ataxia is that you won’t know you have it till you start tripping over your feet, drifting into walls and wetting your pats. halting all wheat and gluten ingestion is the way forwards.
“Knowing how closely the gut and the brain interact, it is easy to understand why you might feel as if you have butterflies in your tummy before a race, or feel nausea before a presentation or interview. This does not mean that your functional gastrointestinal conditions are imagined or even in your head. Psychology and physical factors combine to cause symptoms of the bowel.
The whole gut is influenced by psychological factors that influence the physiology of the gut and create symptoms. Every single emotional state that we as humans experience is reflected in the gut. Take the stomach; it is a yang organ which does not like to work between the hours of 7 and 9 pm which is typically when most people eat their largest meal of the day. When the stomach is angry it contracts, produces more acid secretion and more blood has to pump to the stomach to do more work.
The anger of the stomach will most likely produce feelings of anxiety and stress, as now the two hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine start to circulate around your body making your skin clammy, and your heart will start to beat faster. The question is, do these hormones and their receptors have a detrimental effect on the gut microbiome ecology?”
— The Best Possible You
‘Wheat Belly’ Dr William Davies
“The best possible you”. – Hannah Richards