Did you know that a lot of the habits we force ourselves to do are making our health worse!

Now I am all for exercising, however everyone has different and very personal stress levels. Many men and women that I see that are struggling with health problems and inflammation including weight gain are down to the physiological stress load.

Today, most people suffer from low energy levels, inflammatory conditions, constipation, poor digestion and skin problems. In fact, many people endure all these conditions at the very same time.

These can derive from and include poor quality or unsuitable foods, chemicals, rodenticides, herbicides, pesticides, poor sleep, prescriptive drug stress, poor hydration, a reverse breath pattern, stinking thinking or stuck in the head, the wrong exercise choice e.g. cross-fit, fitness reformer, spinning, HIT, shift work, Wi-Fi, relationship stress and the list goes on.

We are exposed to more xenoestrogens (chemicals that mimic oestrogen) in our environment and foods than ever before.  Found in plastics, perfumes, personal care, household products and synthetic hormones like oral contraceptives, xenoestrogens cause the body to perceive higher oestrogen levels in the system and requiring more progesterone to balance it out.

We know this from the fish and sea creatures as their reproductive organs are shrinking and disfiguring. High oestrogen in men will show as man boobs and high oestrogen in women will disrupt women’s moon cycle and fertility.

Weight gain

Women tend to exhibit their stress load on their hips and thighs, whereas men tend to exhibit their stress load on the belly. The body is always fighting towards homeostasis. Erectile dysfunction in men and fertility issues in women are just two of the signs of stress. Long term stress over a period will end up in dis-function, di-vorce, de- pression and dis-ease.

Frustrating symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, anxiety and insomnia are clear indicators that something is off in your body.

We are all trying to do our best with the told we have in our toolbox.

But if what we are doing is working, why do we have such a high rate of maladies of the mind and physical body?

Just because someone tells us something, does not mean its true. I will always coach you to question everything I say and go out and do the research yourself.

The body is always communicating to us at a subconscious level, but we dumb it out through all sorts of unhealth addictions and habits. A sick society is a weak society, and a healthy body always has a disposition to think rationally and not come from a place of polarity.

The three key hormones that the body cannot survive without are:

  1. Insulin
  2. Adrenaline
  3. Cortisol

When we become over stressed with no plug hole, adrenal fatigue kicks in. Long flu and long covid are also signs that the body was under too much load, and this is seen a lot in marathon runners and many sports people. When the adrenals cannot do their job, the thyroid glands kick in causing either hypo or hyper thyroids. Now rushing for a tablet may very well help, but this option does not explore the belief system that implied the behavioural system to get there in the first place.

 Why athletes suffer from stress

The problem always starts with the sympathetic part of the central nervous system (SNS). The SNS is our survival and prepares us to run away from the lion. The stress response releases into the body form the brains adrenal medulla. Stress directs blood away form digestion, elimination and the organs and into the muscles for survival purposes. Thus, leaving your organs depleted without adequate oxygen and nourishment. All organs should move like seaweed with a natural wave like action. When we are stressed, they become inhibited for a short time.

In order for anabolic repair to take place we need activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). This is rest, digest and eliminate. The number of processed foods containing, sugar, starch and endless coffee shops keep society tired and wired. Repeated sickness, poor quality skin and pimples reflect a poor immune system. Pimples reflect the inhibition of the kidneys, liver and lungs which are the main organs of detoxification.

The organs are always working to clean things out and around the body, we abuse them daily. |When we food prep from scratch we activate the cephalic response and salvia glands. This makes us parasympathetic and give sus natural energy, rather than the diversion of blood to the muscles form organs.

 Reducing stress by pumping

Gentle movement always support digestion, peristalsis and elimination and reinforces the bodies natural energy. The pumping system of the heart in tandem with breathing work in tandem with the muscles.

All organs have a viscera-somatic reflex, this why rhythm and flow should always be assessed when looking at pelvic floor issues and any gut/colon issues. All fascia and muscles co support organs, peristalsis and the key postural muscle the diaphragm.

Rhythmic movement would be categorised as:

  • Tai Chi
  • Chi King
  • Gentle walking
  • Buddhist squats
  • Gentle yoga
  • Rehab and slow Pilates

If we want a healthy society, we should look at why we are exhausted, driven by consumerism, and sold a lifestyle of products that cause disease. The body is designed to move, breathe and interact as a tribe, not live in isolation and fear.

Krishna murti frightening quote rings true: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

Unless we change the narrative by changing ourselves and questioning our belief system.


 Paul Chek media & blogs