“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost
There is so much noise out in the Pilates, fitness and wellness industry. We are sold everything on social media including looks, celebrity lifestyle, consumerism, false health, what we think is happiness, fitness and the list goes on, but what really lacks is connection to the soul!
If what we are doing is working as a collective, we would not have so much suffering internally and externally with mental, spiritual and emotional health. I have more and more enquiries every day from burnt-out, worn-out people looking for some sort of emotional freedom from chronic pain in the body.
I truly get it though.
Society is becoming more disconnected than ever before from the body mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Our body is always giving us feedback, but many fail to listen. Many dumb it down with addictions and medications of one sought or another. Many rarely step up into true sovereignty as adults and expect everyone to heal us and fix us. Many rely on people to tell us what to think and do rather than do critical thinking for themselves!
Life is always about the quality of your questions.
Many people seem to believe what others, especially celebrities and influencers, tell them; are you doing their own research? Many have little confidence in their true inner healing and power. Many embody disease, illness and conditions until that becomes part of the personality; in fact, their inner reality.
Are you following like sheep?
Why is this?
Transactional analysis (Eric Byrnes) model is used widely in society by all corporate bodies (government, schooling, religion, food giants) in which they play the adult, and we play the child. This is drummed into us every day through every source.
Symptoms in the body are always mirroring something that is going on at a deeper level.
Most of our behaviour tends to be fear driven. Following everyone else and not leading by example is merely a sheep mentality. If you fear judgement from others you always fit in, rather than stand out!
You will only be able to lead from the soul when you step away from the fire. That is all the noise out there. It is like a weight being lifted off your shoulders.
I see so many clients with poor self-worth and distorted belief systems. The belief is that someone else is responsible for fixing them and that fix may be mentally, physically and emotionally.
We all hold superhuman powers, but most of us just don’t access them and many don’t know how!
In fact we cannot access them from an unhealthy body. A healthy body will not hold toxins. Starting to heal always starts with Paul Chek’s basic principles:
- Breathing
- Movement
- Hydration
- Nutrition
- Sleep
- Thinking/Belief system
Healing and change only occurs when you believe it can. We are but a product of our emotions and thought patterns. The body’s needs for the basics are highly underestimated.
Time for change
Your solution is always beyond your pain. Significant change in the planet can only happen when you truly take responsibility for looking at your own behaviours, habits, lifestyle and limiting belief systems.
Taking your sovereignty into your own hands helps you become a creator and leader. Every time you give your power away, you become weaker!
You are your own biggest obstacle, and you are not where you want to be in your life, because you are hanging onto something you need to let go of.
If this blog is connecting with you in any way, and you are a body worker, Pilates teacher, movement or manual therapist, join me on our Pilates mastermind day : https://yoga-anatomy.com/events/month/2025-03/
Warren Williams media and blogs
Ryan Martin media and blogs
‘Eat, move and be healthy’ – Paul Chek