Answer: Yoga Alliance UK teachers are required to do a minimum of 8 CPD points year. Once you have attended a Yoga Anatomy course, we will issue you a certificate. You then need to email Yoga Alliance the certificate that has been issued to you or a completed CPD attendance form from Yoga Anatomy. This will then be logged onto your file to note that they have been attended our workshops.
Answer: Yoga Anatomy will give you a certificate and then you will need to register your CPD online via the members area on the main BWY website. Members are required to submit 15 points each year, Teachers who fail to complete 15 points a year of CPD may have their Teaching Membership Status and insurance withdrawn.
15+ CPD Points
If more than 15 CPD points are accrued in any calendar year then up to 5 points can be carried forward to the following year.
Exemption from CPD in a particular year will be allowed in the following circumstances: Personal illness or injury, Bereavement or severe illness of a close family member, Pregnancy and childbirth, Moving house or Divorce/Separation.