Embodied Emotion

Before approaching 2022, practice gratitude…..

Ask yourself: What are you grateful for in the year 2021 ??? I am grateful for every experience of hardship and pain. As you actually learn and grow more from discomfort that you do form pleasure I am grateful for all clients who have been in a position to support the studios I am grateful [...]

7 Life lessons in survival

1- Everyone is doing their best in life We expect everyone to share our beliefs, thoughts and behaviour Being a human being requires you to make your own choices When people complain or moan understand that it’s NEVER about US and it isn't personal (it just feels like it) Its ALWAYS about the other person and [...]

If you’re reading my emails…. 

If you’re reading my emails…. Listening to my daily social media Have done one of my previous course’s Or watch my videos… I know a couple of thing about you… … I know that A- You’re interested in UPGRADING your body, improving your lifestyle or reducing pain B- You have a LOT of information at [...]

Black Friday/Cyber Monday home truths

So here it is, If you've spent the past 24 hours 'wondering' if I'll be offering any kind of discount on my famous ‘apparatus' sessions, then I'm going to tell you now, that I wont be. Harsh? Perhaps but here's the thing.... whilst everyone else is offering discounts I have absolutely NO intention of doing [...]

Be the navigator of your reaction and perception?

So for every Pilates session I teach, I ask one of my favourite golden questions…. The question is: “What’s your biggest win this week?” I LOVE to ask that question every day and I go over the three biggest wins of the day with my partner each night See, I find excitement intoxicating and energising. [...]

Our intentions and actions are everything……..

What’s your biggest pain or problem right now with your body? When would you like to get a handle on it? We need the will, not the strength. Am I willing to do the work to get the results I want in my body? Shift your energy and emotion to something positive. Create a mission that [...]

Our state should be a driver for change……..

Our daily habits are stopping us make diet and lifestyle changes for the better. There is no medication that will ever equal a diet and lifestyle change. We just don’t stretch ourselves enough. Life is about a growth centered experience and we should expect discomfort. We all want to stay in our comfort zones and [...]

The strongest trees grow in the strongest winds

If you want to make progress in life you need to change your perception and reaction. Everything happens for me to improve my growth and contribution or everything happens to me (victim archetype). If you want your family and friends to change, you need to change yourself first. We are always progressing through pain and [...]

Don’t leave your body to hope and chance

Any success in your life is built on rituals and habitual patterns. Without a plan or end game, there is no goal to be disciplined for. Without a vision of the future we will return to the past, which tends to be full of bad habits and mistakes. The things we do every day are [...]

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