
The vibration of your belief system is in your every action/reaction.

“The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.” ~ cell biologist, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton So, Taylor Swift swept the masses and social media and what an incredible energy and tribe she created in the North-West. But for more philosophical folk who do we look too and [...]

Don’t be the best, be the only!

At this stage of life, for me, teaching, coaching and consulting is much more about WHO I work with and the IMPACT I can bring rather than how MANY people I work with. We all have so much stuff going on in life and every person has challenges in many different ways. I have spent [...]

The good, bad and ugly……..

Reading all my reviews you would think I have 100% positive results. Well this is the truth. NOT EVERYONE GETS AMAZING RESULTS when they join my Pilates, teaching programmes and chronic pain programs. Why? Well, not everyone does the work, or is prepared to look at different narratives. We tend to do what we have [...]

“What we resist persists” – Carl Jung

After 30 years of teaching, coaching and working with chronic pain clients from Joe Bloggs to pro athletes and also drawing from my own private life, I’ve gathered a wealth of information that I want to share with you now… here goes… If you avoid the following: Losing weight Lowering inflammation Training for an event [...]

The time may never be right

There will never be a right time….. It’s always the way isn’t, there will never be a right time, to move to a new house, change jobs, finish a relationship, start a new hobby, take up a sport, start that healthy eating programme, tackle that niggling injury, change your body, give up smoking, stop drinking, [...]

My life is my own

Have you seen the TV cult show ‘The Prisoner’??? I have come to Portmerion in Wales this weekend. A beautiful village full of flora and fauna, with some amazing buildings and history. Patrick McGoogan the star of the show was held captive physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally in the village and by the people of [...]

Finding clarity in body and mind

** If you want your life or body TO GET BETTER in any area ** ** Having CLARITY on what you want is crucial ** ** Creating a STRATEGY to hit it that's clear and simple to execute is CRITICAL too ** ** Being ACCOUNTABLE to someone else is more likely to maintain the outcome ** HERE’S WHY [...]

By |2021-12-05T19:52:27+00:00December 5th, 2021|accepting change, clarity, mind, words|0 Comments


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