
Why “THE TIMES” Slams Reformer Pilates!

‘The Times’ article brings to light many problems in the Pilates industry. Always remember there is no negative without positive. There are always two sides to any story or divorce. Read the article here and make your own opinion: Since lockdown Pilates has gone viral with the rise of us all spending more time on [...]

By |2024-06-20T12:57:25+01:00June 20th, 2024|Fitness, pilates|0 Comments

Don’t be the best, be the only!

At this stage of life, for me, teaching, coaching and consulting is much more about WHO I work with and the IMPACT I can bring rather than how MANY people I work with. We all have so much stuff going on in life and every person has challenges in many different ways. I have spent [...]

The five shocking truths about pilates studio finances

This is my experience of running Pilates apparatus studios in the Northwest UK and teaching worldwide after 30 years. Most private studios that I know of “bought themselves a business,” including myself at times. I have learnt the hard way, thus meaning the pricing was never graded right for clients, staff, the overheads of commercial [...]

Can you make your destination your destiny?

When you go on holiday, you have a clear destination in sight. There may be delays, cancellations, missed flights, but you know where you want to go and hopefully you will get there. Before booking, most of us would perhaps do some research, make an investment and then show up in order for the outcome [...]

A life of inspiration rather than desperation – Part 1

As we enter 2023 once again it is that annual moment were your past and future arrows meet in time. A time to question your life, your habits, your core values, your choices, your relationships with the self and others. We make endless New year resolutions, only to fade away a few days, weeks or [...]

5 Reasons to ‘Return to Face-to-Face’ Training

It’s day 1 of my Garuda apparatus CPD training with James de Silva at HQ in St. Johns wood. I cannot say how much I have missed human interaction with other teachers and therapists over the past two years. It’s not just the mental aspect it’s the physical aspect of touch, banter and hands-on adjustments. [...]

‘If no one gives you a medal… design your own.’ Billy Connolly

What story are we holding onto…. In all my 30 years plus of teaching I have encountered many stories. This is the thing we all have a story, whether it’s physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. The danger is when we hold onto that story and let it rule our lives by the decisions that we [...]

If you’re reading my emails…. 

If you’re reading my emails…. Listening to my daily social media Have done one of my previous course’s Or watch my videos… I know a couple of thing about you… … I know that A- You’re interested in UPGRADING your body, improving your lifestyle or reducing pain B- You have a LOT of information at [...]

Back to the old normal or forward to new opportunities…….

Our goals and dreams have changed for many of us since Covid 19. You may of changed your environment, got that fitted kitchen or bathroom, bought a new house or car, changed your child's school, reaccessed your relationships, decide to lose weight, gave up smoking or drinking, started a new hobby or sport and the [...]

By |2021-07-26T10:56:19+01:00July 26th, 2021|Fitness, Nature, One to one training|0 Comments


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