
‘Stop complaining and moaning’ – said you.

So…you’ve found yourself around someone whining, complaining, bitching and moaning and…it’s annoying, right? Usually a relation, friend or work colleague. So you want to know what to do about it, how to handle what they are doing, but perhaps in a way that’s kind. There will always be 99 problems? GET USED TO IT. Human [...]

By |2022-01-10T16:47:56+00:00December 8th, 2021|life, sadness, stress, thinking, Thoughts|0 Comments

What people might think???

So I was back at the GARUDA apparatus studio on Monday for the first time in 18 months …. Man… what a buzz To be brutally honest, I was actually NERVOUS How would I get on? Would I have the mobility for the repertoire? Will I be able to handle the strength work? Will people [...]

It was great to be back at Garuda

I mentioned it in Thursdays newsletter about ‘what people MIGHT think’ That I was back at Garuda Pilates studio for the first time in what felt like forever Was great to be back on those amazing machines of James de Silva By the end? I was actually quite breathless, but in a good way Like,… lactic [...]

Don’t give up

I’m pretty EXCITED… Over the past few weeks I have HEADED BACK to parkrun for the FIRST TIME in 18 MONTHS See this “Covid 19” thing has prevented me from RETURNING EARLIER. I have had to PUT the teaching hours to get the clients back And man, I’ve REALLY MISSED running on Saturday mornings, socialising [...]

By |2021-12-05T20:05:59+00:00December 5th, 2021|accepting change, anger, anxiety, life, love, mind, pain, sadness, stress|0 Comments

Stop avoidance behaviour

The thing is we all want to live in a problem free society and problem free body. In other words a comfort-centric experience. But as we know chaos is always a wonderful opportunity to re-organise, re-invent and re-evaluate a situation. I am going to ask you four questions today??? 1) What has avoidance COST YOU [...]

By |2021-12-05T18:43:53+00:00December 5th, 2021|life, love, psychology|0 Comments

If you’re reading my emails…. 

If you’re reading my emails…. Listening to my daily social media Have done one of my previous course’s Or watch my videos… I know a couple of thing about you… … I know that A- You’re interested in UPGRADING your body, improving your lifestyle or reducing pain B- You have a LOT of information at [...]

Black Friday/Cyber Monday home truths

So here it is, If you've spent the past 24 hours 'wondering' if I'll be offering any kind of discount on my famous ‘apparatus' sessions, then I'm going to tell you now, that I wont be. Harsh? Perhaps but here's the thing.... whilst everyone else is offering discounts I have absolutely NO intention of doing [...]

Be the navigator of your reaction and perception?

So for every Pilates session I teach, I ask one of my favourite golden questions…. The question is: “What’s your biggest win this week?” I LOVE to ask that question every day and I go over the three biggest wins of the day with my partner each night See, I find excitement intoxicating and energising. [...]

Don’t give up on your body

So this is my 30 plus years’ experience of teaching in the movement industry. I worked for years waiting on tables and doing bar work in nightclubs. I worked the beauty counter for Dior selling male and female fragrance every Christmas as a student. I've also managed yoga and pilates studios for years, selling everything from [...]

By |2021-11-25T13:03:05+00:00November 25th, 2021|anger, anxiety, back pain, life, love, pain, sadness, stress, transformation|0 Comments

Our intentions and actions are everything……..

What’s your biggest pain or problem right now with your body? When would you like to get a handle on it? We need the will, not the strength. Am I willing to do the work to get the results I want in my body? Shift your energy and emotion to something positive. Create a mission that [...]

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