
Are you hungry, yo-yo dieting and tired all the time?

Most of us are overweight, yet are nutritionally deficient. Thanks to processed and junk food manufacturers and the media, most people don't understand that they are gaining weight because they are eating incorrectly and usually too much or too little. When we are tired most of us will use pick me ups such as sugar, [...]

Buddahs second arrow

Have you heard about Buddhas second arrow? There is something philosophical in the phase 'unlucky in life'. It can feel like the world is against us with one thing happening after the other: a parking ticket, a flat tyre, a job loss, a break up, a cancelled flight, an illness, a bereavement........and so on. There [...]

Looking positively on the emotion Sadness

The immortal poet and writer of  human condition, the Lebanese American Kahil Gilbran once wrote; “The deeper that sorrow carves in your being, the more joy you can contain". There is a truth, sadness shapes the contours of our soul, and our mental character in a fundamental way. Just as an engraver uses force to [...]

What diets and swollen bellies are telling you

Have you ever wondered how many diets there are? There are literally thousands- everything from green tea, banana diet, to keto, cabbage soup, paleo, slimfast, herbal life and lactose vegetarian. I am always overwhelmed about the amount of people off social media promoting diets, but the truth is one size does not fit all. We [...]

By |2019-11-06T22:27:43+00:00July 15th, 2019|anatomy, Emotional Experience, stress, sugar, tired|0 Comments

Is your food feeding your pain?

 It is well known among the medical community that all disease starts with inflammation. A July 2020 research paper states that inflammatory disease is the biggest killer in the world. "The prevalence of diseases associated with chronic inflammation is anticipated to increase persistently for the next 30 years in the United States. In 2000, nearly 125 million Americans were [...]

“90% of stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by spinal movement”

Nobel Prize recipient Dr. Roger Sperry says that the spine is the motor that drives the brain. According to his research “90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine.” Only 10% of our brain’s energy goes into thinking, metabolism, immunity, and healing. Dr.Roger Sperry demonstrated that [...]

The retailers answer to love – ‘Valentines day’

It's valentines day and love is in the air full throttle from every retailer going. The way we choose to love can be as unique as the way we choose to make a living, maintain our health, or entertain ourselves. But my question to everyone is: "Do you really understand love?" We cannot love others until [...]

By |2019-02-13T14:58:15+00:00February 11th, 2019|life, love, pain, Philsophy, psychology, stress, tired|0 Comments

Only 8% of us keep our resolutions. Why are you one of them?

Every year, millions of people around the world start off with great fitness intentions. Some want to lose weight and get in shape. Others want to live a healthier lifestyle and reduce pain. So it's the end of January, you are feeling more bloated and lethargic than before the festive period. A few pounds have [...]

Go for it in 2019- what are you waiting for?

It is vital to take action on your goals in life, rather than just daydreaming about them. In my 25+ years as a therapist, coach and movement teacher, it has always been important to me to continually keep learning and growing. I have just completed a two week intensive on the central nervous system and [...]

‘You will not be punished for your anger, you will by punished your anger’

Have you heard the terms 'Green with envy', 'Angry liver'.  Anger and frustration are key emotions connected to the liver. Feelings of anger plague us all the time. We are all capable of flying off the handle, saying things we didn't mean or doing things out of character. Our real emotions lie below the surface [...]


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