Title: Pilates Tower Induction Part 1


Embark on a transformative journey with Nisha Srivastava and Mbodies as we delve into the dynamic realm of Pilates through an immersive Tower and Cadillac course. Discover the transformative potential of these apparatuses, empowering instructors to elevate their clients’ bodies to new heights.

Course Objectives:

In this course, qualified Pilates Matwork Instructors and medical movement practitioners, such as Physiotherapists, will gain comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to become certified Pilates Cadillac/Tower Instructors. Key objectives include:

  • Learning the anatomy of the Pilates Cadillac/Tower and mastering the safe use of its components.
  • Understanding safe tuition pointers for clients in lying, seated, kneeling, and standing positions.
  • Acquiring proficiency in teaching the 41 exercises covered in this course, along with progressions and regressions.
  • Developing competence in leading the Tower Induction Workout and teaching it confidently by the course’s end.
  • Exploring exercises related to different components of the Tower, including the Push Through Bar, Roll Down Bar, Leg Springs, Arm Springs, and miscellaneous exercises.

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the exam, participants will:

  • Gain insurance to practice as Pilates Cadillac/Tower Instructors.
  • Possess a thorough understanding of the Tower apparatus and its application in Pilates practice.
  • Be equipped to teach a diverse range of Tower exercises with variations and modifications, focusing on muscular conditioning, flexibility, and strength.
  • Have the ability to design effective Tower exercise programs for individual and group settings.

Cost: £799

Location: Click here

Duration to qualify: 12 weeks

Course type: Hybrid (Online and face to face combined)

Dates: Face to face section – Friday November1st November 3-7pm, Saturday 2nd  3-7pm, Sunday 3rd November 10am – 7pm 2024.

Prerequisite: This course is suitable for Pilates Matwork qualified instructors, physiotherapists, or medical movement professionals.

Please fill in the enquiry form to register your interestClick here

Title: Pilates Tower Part 2


Join Nisha Srivastava and Mbodies on a journey through the dynamic world of Pilates in the Tower Series course. Explore the transformative potential of the Tower apparatus, empowering instructors to elevate their clients’ bodies to new heights.

Course Objectives:

In the Mbodies Intensive Tower Repertoire Course, participants will:

  • Master a comprehensive range of Tower exercises, including variations and modifications, in various positions.
  • Develop proficiency in teaching Tower exercises on all parts of the Tower, excluding the Parallel Overhead Bars or Trapeze.
  • Gain insights into 153 Pilates Tower exercises, categorized into 31 lessons across six categories: Roll Down Bar, Push Through Bar, Leg Springs, Arm Springs, Rowing, and Baby Chair Arm Springs.
  • Acquire a collection of safe and highly effective exercises for Tower exercise programming, focusing on muscular conditioning, flexibility, and strength.

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion, participants will:

  • Possess a diverse repertoire of Tower exercises suitable for one-on-one or group Tower situations.
  • Be able to design and implement effective Tower exercise programs tailored to individual client needs and goals.

Cost: £899

Location: Click here

Duration to qualify: 12 weeks

Course type: Hybrid (Online and face to face combined)

Dates: May 2024

Prerequisite: This course is suitable for Pilates Matwork qualified instructors, physiotherapists, or medical movement professionals.

Please fill in the enquiry form to register your interestClick here