
Our state should be a driver for change……..

Our daily habits are stopping us make diet and lifestyle changes for the better. There is no medication that will ever equal a diet and lifestyle change. We just don’t stretch ourselves enough. Life is about a growth centered experience and we should expect discomfort. We all want to stay in our comfort zones and [...]

The strongest trees grow in the strongest winds

If you want to make progress in life you need to change your perception and reaction. Everything happens for me to improve my growth and contribution or everything happens to me (victim archetype). If you want your family and friends to change, you need to change yourself first. We are always progressing through pain and [...]

Does cold-water therapy purposely block weight gain as you age? I am sure you have heard of the Dutch extreme athlete Winhoff.  Winhoff has stood in a container of ice cubes for just under two hours plus climbed Kilimanjaro in shorts and T-Shirt. Cold water and ice bathing is nothing new and I first worked with the method was first introduced to me through [...]

Don’t leave your body to hope and chance

Any success in your life is built on rituals and habitual patterns. Without a plan or end game, there is no goal to be disciplined for. Without a vision of the future we will return to the past, which tends to be full of bad habits and mistakes. The things we do every day are [...]

Waking up from auto-pilot

Are you going through life in a sleepwalk??? Just going along with the narrative of what you feel or think you should be doing?? Have you given up on your health or getting out of pain??? Our mind is always set to go to North which is negative, blame, guilt, anger, shame and resentment. It [...]

By |2021-08-20T20:30:07+01:00August 20th, 2021|accepting change, anxiety, Inspiration, life, love|0 Comments

An event is just an event

There is a technique I learnt form Byron Katy. When something goes wrong or something happens out of our control, our mind will go to the lowest level of training. That is usually scarcity, fear, anger, guilt, blame and negativity. However if we upgrade our skill set, when something  happens which is unexpected in life, [...]

Breaking the habit of being yourself

Dr Joe Dispenza has a called book ‘Breaking the habit of being yourself’. If you want to change you need to feed yourself a different diet, do something different. Nothing changes till you change. I have to train myself to do something different. Thoughts and actions only become easy when you drill them in enough. [...]

Knowing that if you lose, you are not the loser!

When something happens how do you feel and react?  Now have a deep think about it - how do you really want to feel and react? And finally, what are you willing to do to change the way you feel?  Here are 4 helpful tips to help you change the way you feel: Stop arguing [...]

Garbage in vs Garbage out – What you do to the body, you do to the brain

Functional medicine, including Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, promotes lifestyle medicine as the foundations of health. And what’s the bottom line? We can improve our life by making better choices. For example after eating, rather than crashing out on the sofa or going to sleep, we should go for a walk.  Walking after food significantly lowers the [...]

By |2021-08-21T21:41:08+01:00July 26th, 2021|life, love, pain, stress, sugar, Teeth, transformation, Wheat|0 Comments

England FC do Pilates

If you thought pilates was just for women think again. Professional athletes have been using pilates, yoga and apparatus for years as part of their rehabilitation and pre-habilitation program. My first professional rugby league team was the ‘Saints’ (St.Helens) back in 1997. The strength and conditioning coach was Nigel Ashley Jones who had arrived from [...]

By |2021-07-11T10:17:20+01:00July 11th, 2021|connective tissue recovery, life, pilates|0 Comments
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