
We are not here to fit into life, we are here to stand out in life!

Perhaps not as dynamic as the great Houdini, but enough to invoke question and change. We cannot change the past but we can change the present moment and our future. Are you a victim or your history or a master of your destiny? Becoming your most authentic self requires you to leave your mark on [...]

The secret to coping with our emotions.

Why is it that we feel happy, inspired, excited and enthusiastic yet other times we feel angry, jealous, sad, overwhelmed and depressed??? We are all too quick to blame someone or something for the way we feel in life. As soon as we say: “I feel”, we give our power away. Easier said than done, [...]

“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are”. Anais Nin.

This is related to the idea that each person who sees a thing will see it filtered through their own perceptions. So none of us really see any situation objectively. This is known as confirmation bias. Each person sees life with their own beliefs, preconceptions, interpretation, and attitude. It means that the way we see [...]

The good, bad and ugly……..

Reading all my reviews you would think I have 100% positive results. Well this is the truth. NOT EVERYONE GETS AMAZING RESULTS when they join my Pilates, teaching programmes and chronic pain programs. Why? Well, not everyone does the work, or is prepared to look at different narratives. We tend to do what we have [...]

5 Reasons to ‘Return to Face-to-Face’ Training

It’s day 1 of my Garuda apparatus CPD training with James de Silva at HQ in St. Johns wood. I cannot say how much I have missed human interaction with other teachers and therapists over the past two years. It’s not just the mental aspect it’s the physical aspect of touch, banter and hands-on adjustments. [...]

Every one of you is a winner

I have just had the pleasure of chatting with Richard Attwood (nickname Dickie).  Richard “Dickie” Attwood competed in 17 World Championship Grand Prix, racing for Lotus, Cooper and BRM; he also won the 1970 24h Le Mans.  I asked him what his biggest attribute has been in his life. He said winning the F1 formula [...]

Being uncomfortable for personal growth……

The Importance of Being Uncomfortable for Personal Growth and Setting Priorities There are many situations where we must be uncomfortable in order to grow and learn. For example, if you want to become stronger, you must lift weights that are heavy. If you want to reduce pain you have got to look at exercise, diet, [...]

By |2023-07-05T12:18:49+01:00April 14th, 2022|accepting change, Events, Inspiration|0 Comments

My life is my own

Have you seen the TV cult show ‘The Prisoner’??? I have come to Portmerion in Wales this weekend. A beautiful village full of flora and fauna, with some amazing buildings and history. Patrick McGoogan the star of the show was held captive physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally in the village and by the people of [...]

Before approaching 2022, practice gratitude…..

Ask yourself: What are you grateful for in the year 2021 ??? I am grateful for every experience of hardship and pain. As you actually learn and grow more from discomfort that you do form pleasure I am grateful for all clients who have been in a position to support the studios I am grateful [...]

Three strategies for a successful 2022

This year has been up and down It’s all a bit chaotic Almost like I don’t know where to start There’s a LOT of stuff out of our control right now But when you LET GO of the need for control… life becomes A LOT easier and more effortless When you are in  apace pf [...]

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