
‘Don’t go breaking my heart’

‘Don’t go breaking my heart’, ‘You’re pulling on my heart strings’, ‘died of a broken heart’- These are all daily sayings or lines form famous songs, but is there any real connection and if so where does this come from? The human predicament is not an easy one. We are caught up in the mind [...]

By |2022-02-14T08:47:11+00:00February 14th, 2022|Emotional Experience, life, love|0 Comments

Enduring the ride

As we emerge out of regulations and restrictions, it brings new creativity and feelings for us all. I am passionate about raising the standard of movement and rehabilitation in the NW. Thank-you to all clients, colleagues and staff who have endured the ride of Covid 19 and have stuck with the studios or my social [...]

3 Keys  to Raising Your Standards

“Everything you have wanted is on the other side of your comfort zone.” Over the last two days I’ve interviewed new staff for both my Manchester and St. Helens studio. Mad you may think to be expanding in such times of uncertainty; this is the thing, everyone wants to show up when everything is going [...]

Before approaching 2022, practice gratitude…..

Ask yourself: What are you grateful for in the year 2021 ??? I am grateful for every experience of hardship and pain. As you actually learn and grow more from discomfort that you do form pleasure I am grateful for all clients who have been in a position to support the studios I am grateful [...]

No one is coming to change your life or body

If you are waiting for somebody to give you true health, fix that back, increase longevity and vitality or to pick you up. I’ve got news, no one is coming …… Infact governments take large payouts from corporate companies, so a nations health is always about keeping us reliant on consumerism. After all we can [...]

By |2021-12-24T21:10:34+00:00December 24th, 2021|life, mind, Nature, retreats, thinking, Thoughts, tired, transformation, words, yoga|0 Comments

Three strategies for a successful 2022

This year has been up and down It’s all a bit chaotic Almost like I don’t know where to start There’s a LOT of stuff out of our control right now But when you LET GO of the need for control… life becomes A LOT easier and more effortless When you are in  apace pf [...]

7 Life lessons in survival

1- Everyone is doing their best in life We expect everyone to share our beliefs, thoughts and behaviour Being a human being requires you to make your own choices When people complain or moan understand that it’s NEVER about US and it isn't personal (it just feels like it) Its ALWAYS about the other person and [...]

I am excited despite the doom and gloom of MSM

You see I can focus on the article I received this morning on gyms and exercise facilities being down on numbers or closing altogether OR I can focus on the amazing opportunity I have to deliver even more outstanding services and find opportunities in adversity Things always happen FOR me and NEVER too me But [...]

Did you know??????

DID YOU KNOW?????? That I once was overweight and lost two jobs because of it (Falklands islands and cabin crew). I was full of cystic acne, had chronic knee pain, lower back pain and considered a bust reduction……….. This is the truth, I thought that the advice I was getting from all the different people [...]

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