
“What we resist persists” – Carl Jung

After 30 years of teaching, coaching and working with chronic pain clients from Joe Bloggs to pro athletes and also drawing from my own private life, I’ve gathered a wealth of information that I want to share with you now… here goes… If you avoid the following: Losing weight Lowering inflammation Training for an event [...]

 6 tips to live life to the full…

We are all eternal students in life. Life is an amazing game that we play. It has the most incredible challenges and hardships, we bathe in its trials and tribulations. There is but one end destination and there is no escaping this. Did we spend the time looking over our shoulder in fear? Did we [...]

By |2022-06-19T20:09:29+01:00June 16th, 2022|Breathing, life, love|0 Comments

We all need each other in life

Here is my Dad at the Liverpool V Real Madrid match this Saturday, and what an adventure he had. He was one of the lucky ones to get into the stadium and to his seat. Whatever you think of the Paris football match this Saturday. We all need each other. All gatherings whether large or [...]

By |2022-06-12T09:53:13+01:00June 12th, 2022|anatomy, anger, gossip, life|0 Comments

Dealing with negative and difficult people!

You see you only read the good aspects of myself and the business, but never the downsides. Did you know that we actually learn more from problems, than the rosy things in life? My biggest breakthrough in dealing with myself first and people over the last 30 years is that there is no such thing [...]

‘If no one gives you a medal… design your own.’ Billy Connolly

What story are we holding onto…. In all my 30 years plus of teaching I have encountered many stories. This is the thing we all have a story, whether it’s physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. The danger is when we hold onto that story and let it rule our lives by the decisions that we [...]

Scones, Jam & clotted cream

Last weekend I indulged in some homemade scones, jam and clotted cream. It was earthy, appropriate and I have no regrets regardless what people might think. But this is the thing. It is in moderation, it’s simple sugars and simple carbs which is the most inflammatory. I was on holiday in Salisbury and wanted to [...]

The time may never be right

There will never be a right time….. It’s always the way isn’t, there will never be a right time, to move to a new house, change jobs, finish a relationship, start a new hobby, take up a sport, start that healthy eating programme, tackle that niggling injury, change your body, give up smoking, stop drinking, [...]

The key to change is to let go of fear

Fear cannot exist without courage. We need fear to grow. Most of our fears are poor mind management. Question: How can you live a courageous life that you love?   Answer: By Living a life that demonstrates your core values and belief systems. Most of us are worried about swimming in the river, because of [...]

The only thing in your way is yourself…….

I get enquiries every day for teacher training, chronic pain, Pilates apparatus and so on. These are the thoughts and actions that hold people back that prevent people from progressing forwards with me by signing up and in life. I don’t have the energy I don’t have the time I don’t have the skill The [...]

My life is my own

Have you seen the TV cult show ‘The Prisoner’??? I have come to Portmerion in Wales this weekend. A beautiful village full of flora and fauna, with some amazing buildings and history. Patrick McGoogan the star of the show was held captive physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally in the village and by the people of [...]

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