
The love diet

Be a vehicle for adding value to people’s lives. Relationships will either highlight or magnify emotions. We value what we do highly. For example, being out of shape shows the value system is not high enough to be in shape. We expect everyone to have the same values as us. We often get the opposite [...]

Knowing that if you lose, you are not the loser!

When something happens how do you feel and react?  Now have a deep think about it - how do you really want to feel and react? And finally, what are you willing to do to change the way you feel?  Here are 4 helpful tips to help you change the way you feel: Stop arguing [...]

Garbage in vs Garbage out – What you do to the body, you do to the brain

Functional medicine, including Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, promotes lifestyle medicine as the foundations of health. And what’s the bottom line? We can improve our life by making better choices. For example after eating, rather than crashing out on the sofa or going to sleep, we should go for a walk.  Walking after food significantly lowers the [...]

By |2021-08-21T21:41:08+01:00July 26th, 2021|life, love, pain, stress, sugar, Teeth, transformation, Wheat|0 Comments

Input v output

Creating lasting change is hard. The truth is anybody can establish a habit or make changes for 3, 6 or 12 months but continuing them long term can be a struggle. Creating change depends on our behaviour, it’s not what we say it’s what we do. Talk is cheap, things only occur when we take [...]

Pilates & allostatic load for long covid

Pilates is a low impact gentler form of movement that can be ideal for long covid patients. This should work in conjunction with looking at diet, hydration, sleep, nutrition, thoughts and breathing.  Long covid or long flu has many complexities and does not present black and white. However, we do know that long covid has [...]

Why am I out of shape?

Why am I out of shape? Why do I never lose weight? Why do I never get rid of my chronic pain in my back, knees and hips? Why do I wait for someone else to fix me? Why do I spend endless time and money on medical professionals and therapists with only short term [...]

“Only those who can attempt the absurd, can achieve the impossible” – Albert Einstein

I get so many enquiries for everything and anything from chronic pain and weight loss to business and mentoring advice. When clients attend my studios and don’t get the results they wish to see, it”s always because they are not changing their behaviour, habits and belief systems outside the studio. I never just throw anyone [...]

“Without action, you aren’t going anywhere”- Mahatma Gandhi

Tell me, what is the area in your life which requires the transformation? Could it be health, diet, business, relationship, bank balance, chronic pain and the list goes on…  What are you willing to do about it? Your result will either be triggered by constantly being in some sort of pain or you will continue [...]

Good health begins with you

Life is all about cycles of birth and death. In the last year, we’ve gone from a population of: 67,886,011 in 2020, to 68,142,752 in 2021( So here is the truth that so many of us do not want to hear. In the last year, 650,000 hospital admissions could have been prevented through proper exercise [...]

What’s holding you back?

I get so many enquiries for weight-loss, chronic pain, teacher training and rehabilitation programs, but in reality, most people won’t take action. They stay where they are, they want to change but don’t. This is because they actually see more benefit in staying the same than changing. We are like a compass needle; it will [...]

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