
Has Jeremy Clarkson seen the light?

Love him or hate him, former 'Top Gear' presenter Jeremy Clarkson is now a pioneer for middle aged men doing Pilates reformer. The 64-year-old presenter went under heart surgery last year after suffering from blocked arteries. He is aiming to improve his diet and lifestyle and find activities which he enjoys. The Sunday times column [...]

Are you really training your core/powerhouse/bandhas/centre of whatever you want to call it?

As you know I teach and practice holistic lifestyle and Pilates, and I will often use the word core, even though I will say that in isolation the individual muscles will do nothing. However this is where the understanding of the full method of  pilates apparatus and the body comes from. If you take class [...]

By |2023-08-28T19:04:07+01:00August 28th, 2023|anger, Breathing, Depression, Joseph Pilates, life, love|0 Comments

Are emotion and vision connected? 

Like many of us, I have drastically increased my screen time during lockdown – for me, it’s been through teaching and studying. I’ve noticed a deterioration in my eyesight and have resorted to reading glasses. But am I treating the root cause or the symptom? Now I am not anti-glasses as you have seen me [...]

Don’t be the best, be the only!

At this stage of life, for me, teaching, coaching and consulting is much more about WHO I work with and the IMPACT I can bring rather than how MANY people I work with. We all have so much stuff going on in life and every person has challenges in many different ways. I have spent [...]

How to find a good or bad Pilates reformer apparatus class!

Firstly there are no good or bad. Everything in life is based on our perception. Our perception is determined by our upbringing including schooling, education, religion, beliefs and environment. Perception bias is the tendency to perceive ourselves and our environment in a subjective way. Although we like to think our judgment is impartial, we are, in fact, [...]

As the words of Belinda Carlisle’s song goes : ‘Heaven is a place on Earth’.

As the words of Belinda Carlisle’s song goes : ‘Heaven is a place on Earth’. This week I had an amazing opportunity to teach Belinda Carlisle face to face whilst on her UK tour. I feel Pilates is an essential tool for all of us, as this can be used in many different ways. For [...]

A life of inspiration rather than desperation – Part 1

As we enter 2023 once again it is that annual moment were your past and future arrows meet in time. A time to question your life, your habits, your core values, your choices, your relationships with the self and others. We make endless New year resolutions, only to fade away a few days, weeks or [...]

Can we help our anxiety and depression???

Yesterday I presented at World Mental Health Day at Liverpool Central library. There were many exhibitors with a variety of backgrounds and solutions to problems. We cannot change all of our problems, but we can develop the tools to cope better in life and have better outcome solutions. Anxiety and depression are the number one [...]

“What we resist persists” – Carl Jung

After 30 years of teaching, coaching and working with chronic pain clients from Joe Bloggs to pro athletes and also drawing from my own private life, I’ve gathered a wealth of information that I want to share with you now… here goes… If you avoid the following: Losing weight Lowering inflammation Training for an event [...]

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