back pain

Champion league results require champion league action

Whether you are a professional footballer, Joe Bloggs or a little old woman. You can only get out of a movement program by what you put in by your daily lifestyle, choices and habits.  Having a proper evaluation of the bodies systems will show your areas of weakness and strength. Clients predominantly enquire to me [...]

By |2023-01-09T15:06:54+00:00January 9th, 2023|back pain|0 Comments

What do you need to say ‘No’ to in 2023??

As 2023 approaches, we all have New year’s resolutions in our bodies, business, relationships and careers.  My experience is that most of the decisions we make are not sustained long term. The hardest resolution to change is always health related.  If we do not have our health, how can we improve our energy, our emotions, [...]

Anger and unmet expectations

Are you attracting what you want in your life? Such as a healthy body, good relationships, a fulfilling and purposeful life that enriches yourself and others? The emotion anger is an important feedback loop that you can learn to train and harness so that you have mastery over your life. Human beings live by the [...]

By |2022-11-20T12:14:19+00:00November 20th, 2022|anger, back pain, Emotional Experience, gossip, life, love|0 Comments

Reduce back pain in these three simple steps….

All pain is multi-factoral so its impossible for me to guess without accessing. However I have put together three simple steps that may help you on your journey. Traction and decompress the spine - Join face to face here on our 4 week flexible spine challenge, places left this Thursday at 5.30pm here: Reduce inflammation in [...]

Why most lower back pain problems have no known cause!

According to NICE (National Institute for health and Care Excellence) FEB 2022: Low back pain is common [Palmer et al, 2000; National Collaborating Centre for Primary Care, 2009; Campbell and Colvin, 2013]: Up to 60% of the adult population can expect to have low back pain at some time in their life. A UK population-based cross-sectional study of [...]

The secret to coping with our emotions.

Why is it that we feel happy, inspired, excited and enthusiastic yet other times we feel angry, jealous, sad, overwhelmed and depressed??? We are all too quick to blame someone or something for the way we feel in life. As soon as we say: “I feel”, we give our power away. Easier said than done, [...]

Thank-you for the AMAZING testimonial

Check out this amazing testimonial I got from.....well... YOU, actually ========== "In December 2021 in Invested In Pilates Manchester 6 month ‘Chek program where I was shown and guided through some amazing things". Now, it's July 2022 and I can't believe the changes I've made to my life, my back pain and my body You see, I had been [...]

If you’re reading my emails…. 

If you’re reading my emails…. Listening to my daily social media Have done one of my previous course’s Or watch my videos… I know a couple of thing about you… … I know that A- You’re interested in UPGRADING your body, improving your lifestyle or reducing pain B- You have a LOT of information at [...]

Don’t give up on your body

So this is my 30 plus years’ experience of teaching in the movement industry. I worked for years waiting on tables and doing bar work in nightclubs. I worked the beauty counter for Dior selling male and female fragrance every Christmas as a student. I've also managed yoga and pilates studios for years, selling everything from [...]

By |2021-11-25T13:03:05+00:00November 25th, 2021|anger, anxiety, back pain, life, love, pain, sadness, stress, transformation|0 Comments

Our state should be a driver for change……..

Our daily habits are stopping us make diet and lifestyle changes for the better. There is no medication that will ever equal a diet and lifestyle change. We just don’t stretch ourselves enough. Life is about a growth centered experience and we should expect discomfort. We all want to stay in our comfort zones and [...]

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