
Why am I out of shape?

Why am I out of shape? Why do I never lose weight? Why do I never get rid of my chronic pain in my back, knees and hips? Why do I wait for someone else to fix me? Why do I spend endless time and money on medical professionals and therapists with only short term [...]

Good health begins with you

Life is all about cycles of birth and death. In the last year, we’ve gone from a population of: 67,886,011 in 2020, to 68,142,752 in 2021( So here is the truth that so many of us do not want to hear. In the last year, 650,000 hospital admissions could have been prevented through proper exercise [...]

What’s holding you back?

I get so many enquiries for weight-loss, chronic pain, teacher training and rehabilitation programs, but in reality, most people won’t take action. They stay where they are, they want to change but don’t. This is because they actually see more benefit in staying the same than changing. We are like a compass needle; it will [...]

Banish your backpain forever

Banish your backpain forever If you are aged 40–55 years old and have had chronic back pain for longer than one year. This tells me that what you are presently doing, taking, thinking, being is not working. If we repeat the same behaviour, we get the same results. Life is harder than ever before and [...]

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasures you seek” – Joseph Campbell

What holds most of us back from changing our body, our views and belief systems, recovering from illness, changing relationships with the self and others or getting rid of disease and pain? Joseph Campbell was a professor of comparative mythology and religion. His book: 'The hero with a thousand faces' was credited to the movie [...]

Creating stability & resilience in times of crisis

Everyone is trying to work their way through life the best as they can. There is no wrong or right and we are all quick to judge others. When we judge, gossip, speak and communicate hurtfully of others it is actually a mirror reflection of how we feel and behave to ourselves. This behaviour comes [...]

Dealing with stress & anxiety – Part 2

An experiment was ran on mice by placing them in a cages wired to receive electrical shocks. Each shock was spatially harmless. But after repeated shocks given over multiple days left the mice dull and listless. Their immune response was severely compromised and some actually died from the harmless stress. This experiment allows us to [...]

By |2020-05-01T13:39:29+01:00May 1st, 2020|anxiety, stress|0 Comments

Dealing with stress & anxiety part 1

Most of us are reactive; we experience two sorts of stress, within the work place and with families and colleagues. Ask yourself these questions? Do I  react emotionally and emotions blow up? Do I complain about pressure I’m under, mostly to people who aren’t causing it? Do I pass the stress down the line, unloading [...]

By |2020-05-01T13:44:22+01:00May 1st, 2020|anxiety, stress|0 Comments
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