
Black Friday/Cyber Monday home truths

So here it is, If you've spent the past 24 hours 'wondering' if I'll be offering any kind of discount on my famous ‘apparatus' sessions, then I'm going to tell you now, that I wont be. Harsh? Perhaps but here's the thing.... whilst everyone else is offering discounts I have absolutely NO intention of doing [...]

Don’t give up on your body

So this is my 30 plus years’ experience of teaching in the movement industry. I worked for years waiting on tables and doing bar work in nightclubs. I worked the beauty counter for Dior selling male and female fragrance every Christmas as a student. I've also managed yoga and pilates studios for years, selling everything from [...]

By |2021-11-25T13:03:05+00:00November 25th, 2021|anger, anxiety, back pain, life, love, pain, sadness, stress, transformation|0 Comments

The strongest trees grow in the strongest winds

If you want to make progress in life you need to change your perception and reaction. Everything happens for me to improve my growth and contribution or everything happens to me (victim archetype). If you want your family and friends to change, you need to change yourself first. We are always progressing through pain and [...]

Does cold-water therapy purposely block weight gain as you age? I am sure you have heard of the Dutch extreme athlete Winhoff.  Winhoff has stood in a container of ice cubes for just under two hours plus climbed Kilimanjaro in shorts and T-Shirt. Cold water and ice bathing is nothing new and I first worked with the method was first introduced to me through [...]

An event is just an event

There is a technique I learnt form Byron Katy. When something goes wrong or something happens out of our control, our mind will go to the lowest level of training. That is usually scarcity, fear, anger, guilt, blame and negativity. However if we upgrade our skill set, when something  happens which is unexpected in life, [...]

Breaking the habit of being yourself

Dr Joe Dispenza has a called book ‘Breaking the habit of being yourself’. If you want to change you need to feed yourself a different diet, do something different. Nothing changes till you change. I have to train myself to do something different. Thoughts and actions only become easy when you drill them in enough. [...]

“Only those who can attempt the absurd, can achieve the impossible” – Albert Einstein

I get so many enquiries for everything and anything from chronic pain and weight loss to business and mentoring advice. When clients attend my studios and don’t get the results they wish to see, it”s always because they are not changing their behaviour, habits and belief systems outside the studio. I never just throw anyone [...]

Good health begins with you

Life is all about cycles of birth and death. In the last year, we’ve gone from a population of: 67,886,011 in 2020, to 68,142,752 in 2021( So here is the truth that so many of us do not want to hear. In the last year, 650,000 hospital admissions could have been prevented through proper exercise [...]

What’s holding you back?

I get so many enquiries for weight-loss, chronic pain, teacher training and rehabilitation programs, but in reality, most people won’t take action. They stay where they are, they want to change but don’t. This is because they actually see more benefit in staying the same than changing. We are like a compass needle; it will [...]

Are health & medicine the same thing?

Is it time we step up and take accountability for own health, behaviour and lifestyle? We all want to spectate in life, taking full participation and to be able to critical think takes effort and good health. “Real thinking is hard work, that’s why most of us rearrange our prejudices.” William James. We of course need [...]


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