
Wake up, grow up and show up

Our life is a printout of our unconscious. 95% of life comes from our unconscious programming, only 5% conscious programming. We can change ourselves by changing our environment. Our five key areas are: Health/diet Relationships Careers Mindset Impact/life purpose Human beings are each designed to enrich the planet and tribe. In rural tribes and communities [...]

The fat cells of 42 – 57 year old females

So I am approaching 50 and my body is changing all the time. One size does not fit all. It's a myth that pilates or any other kind of exercise makes you slim. Flat abdominals always start in the kitchen. Everyone is different and this is why consultations are so important. We need to access [...]

Our behaviour, immune system & the gut

According to Hippocrates, the father of medicine, “All disease begins in the gut.”  2,500 years later and he has been proven to be right! Each time I  am stopped by a charity worker raising money for alzeimers, cancer, depression, parkinson, autism and many more . I always ask them if they have heard of [...]

Bruce Lee: “Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.”

We are more likely to learn in life, school, work and relationships by the mistakes we make rather than the positive outcomes. Admitting to any sort of mistake or misdemeanour that takes great courage. Most of us wiggle our way out and play the child, victim, saboteur or prostitute archetype (survival archetypes). This is not [...]

Therapists – “Don’t hide your light under a bushel”

If you hide your light under a bushel, you keep your abilities or good qualities hidden from other people. Whether you're a movement or manual therapist now is the time to shine than ever before. Your services are much needed as the world begins to re-open and resume business. You are a key worker, whether you [...]

The journey of transformation begins now

Are you ready to change? Or are you waiting for things to return to normal? Of course we want to normalise, but what would have happened if we had carried on? The present experience that we are all sharing is a collective conscious event. If we choose to make better choices and the right decisions, [...]

Times have always been uncertain…

In these uncertain times...  What uncertain times?  Times have always been uncertain! We act as if our days are guaranteed. We tell ourselves that we’ll move towards our passion next week. We will start taking care of our health and diet after Covid -19. We will confront the broken relationship, the job we hate later. We procrastinate on [...]

What’s your virus and disease protection plan?

The way we react to any stressful situation whether it be an internal force (virus or disease) or external force (active or passive injury, human interaction) will be dependent on the state of our mind and body. To have a strong immunity, internal health and vitality is essential to stay in homeostasis.  Getting a balance [...]

Five reflections from the Corona Virus

1.Non-Judgement - Many of us have come to realise that some of our ideas actually create separation and segregation from those who we love and care about and to heal we must alter our language and expression.  We need to observe staying in the moment rather than having fear take over, connecting with each other [...]

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