Immune system

There is no such thing as a bad medicine, exercise or asana…

There is no such thing as a bad exercise, medication or asana, but there is such a thing as a badly prescribed exercise, medication or asana.  I hear it all the time: cross fit is bad for you, yoga is bad for you, pilates is bad for you, XYZ medication is bad for you. Firstly, [...]

Times have always been uncertain…

In these uncertain times...  What uncertain times?  Times have always been uncertain! We act as if our days are guaranteed. We tell ourselves that we’ll move towards our passion next week. We will start taking care of our health and diet after Covid -19. We will confront the broken relationship, the job we hate later. We procrastinate on [...]

What’s your virus and disease protection plan?

The way we react to any stressful situation whether it be an internal force (virus or disease) or external force (active or passive injury, human interaction) will be dependent on the state of our mind and body. To have a strong immunity, internal health and vitality is essential to stay in homeostasis.  Getting a balance [...]

Five reflections from the Corona Virus

1.Non-Judgement - Many of us have come to realise that some of our ideas actually create separation and segregation from those who we love and care about and to heal we must alter our language and expression.  We need to observe staying in the moment rather than having fear take over, connecting with each other [...]

It’s not about the germ, it’s about the terrain!

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Krishnamurti. All malads of the body and mind start with some sort of inflammation, this includes depression, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, dementia,  fibromyalgia, heart disease, anxiety, ADHD, autism and so many more. There is no separation from brain to gut and [...]

Being your true own authentic self

Very few of us feel comfortable being our authentic self because we don’t see ourselves as remarkable. We don’t realize that our authenticity is the one thing (more than anything) that makes us unique. As Shakespeare said in his play Hamlet paraphrasing: "Be true to thou self otherwise thou cannot trust another man”. There [...]

‘Shoot for the moon as even if you miss you will fall among the stars’

If you’re suffering from pain, long term illness or disease, chances are you need a new way of seeing things – that is, you need a paradigm shift. This could get you back to being pain free, healthy, feeling happy and not chronically inflamed. It’s usually fear that holds us back (False, Evidence, Appearing, Real) [...]

Addictions – painkillers, smoking, drinking, shopping, exercise, sugar & sex

This week I appeared on an ITV news feature on painkillers with my client Claire Madin. Most people will seek me out because of my Pilates and Yoga teacher qualifications. However when they come to me I always treat the person and not the disease. Pilates and Yoga is, and has been medically proven to [...]

Is your food feeding your pain?

 It is well known among the medical community that all disease starts with inflammation. A July 2020 research paper states that inflammatory disease is the biggest killer in the world. "The prevalence of diseases associated with chronic inflammation is anticipated to increase persistently for the next 30 years in the United States. In 2000, nearly 125 million Americans were [...]

“90% of stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by spinal movement”

Nobel Prize recipient Dr. Roger Sperry says that the spine is the motor that drives the brain. According to his research “90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine.” Only 10% of our brain’s energy goes into thinking, metabolism, immunity, and healing. Dr.Roger Sperry demonstrated that [...]

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