
The man who knows all can learn nothing…

We are filled with fear, anger, confusion and most importantly hope at this time in life. I am going to tell you a story about two men, Louis Pasteur and Antoine Beauchamp's and their relevance to where we are today. These are strange times and the same conflict that was upon these two men in [...]

Bruce Lee: “Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.”

We are more likely to learn in life, school, work and relationships by the mistakes we make rather than the positive outcomes. Admitting to any sort of mistake or misdemeanour that takes great courage. Most of us wiggle our way out and play the child, victim, saboteur or prostitute archetype (survival archetypes). This is not [...]

There is no such thing as a bad medicine, exercise or asana…

There is no such thing as a bad exercise, medication or asana, but there is such a thing as a badly prescribed exercise, medication or asana.  I hear it all the time: cross fit is bad for you, yoga is bad for you, pilates is bad for you, XYZ medication is bad for you. Firstly, [...]

Five of the mistakes I’ve made as a pilates/yoga teacher so far:

So I speak from experience here as i've had over 30 years in the fitness and dance business; 25 of those years were as a pilates/yoga teacher, and just under 20 years of those were owning commercial studios. Here are just five of the many mistakes that i've learnt from over the years. I now [...]

By |2020-03-04T16:51:47+00:00February 28th, 2020|anger, love, pilates, yoga|0 Comments

Being your true own authentic self

Very few of us feel comfortable being our authentic self because we don’t see ourselves as remarkable. We don’t realize that our authenticity is the one thing (more than anything) that makes us unique. As Shakespeare said in his play Hamlet paraphrasing: "Be true to thou self otherwise thou cannot trust another man”. There [...]

‘Shoot for the moon as even if you miss you will fall among the stars’

If you’re suffering from pain, long term illness or disease, chances are you need a new way of seeing things – that is, you need a paradigm shift. This could get you back to being pain free, healthy, feeling happy and not chronically inflamed. It’s usually fear that holds us back (False, Evidence, Appearing, Real) [...]

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