
Input v output

Creating lasting change is hard. The truth is anybody can establish a habit or make changes for 3, 6 or 12 months but continuing them long term can be a struggle. Creating change depends on our behaviour, it’s not what we say it’s what we do. Talk is cheap, things only occur when we take [...]

Why pay more for Pilates apparatus???

How much is your health WORTH to you? WHO is responsible for your daily choices? WHO is responsible for how YOU feel and react? And can we CHANGE our perception ? (Ref: Dr.Edith Edgar Holocaust survivor) Is it the GP, consultant, hospital, government, man down the road or YOU responsible for your health?????? Are YOUR choices and priorities taking you CLOSER to health or FURTHER away??? Are you waiting for someone TO FIX [...]

Will Pilates cure my back pain?

Any movement to the body will either help of hinder us. This will depend on the condition of the tissue, the health of the person plus the environment (in other words the allostatic load). As Hippocrates said: “Food is either your medicine or your poison". The same goes for movement. There is no such thing as [...]

By |2023-06-07T20:49:29+01:00April 29th, 2021|anger, anxiety, life, pain, tired|0 Comments

Pilates & allostatic load for long covid

Pilates is a low impact gentler form of movement that can be ideal for long covid patients. This should work in conjunction with looking at diet, hydration, sleep, nutrition, thoughts and breathing.  Long covid or long flu has many complexities and does not present black and white. However, we do know that long covid has [...]

Why I choose not to live in fear

We are all in charge of our own destiny. We cannot choose how others think or behave, but we can choose how we think and behave.  The problem is that we expect everyone to share our belief system. Over the past few years, it has become clear that chronic inflammation is the underlying cause of [...]

“Without action, you aren’t going anywhere”- Mahatma Gandhi

Tell me, what is the area in your life which requires the transformation? Could it be health, diet, business, relationship, bank balance, chronic pain and the list goes on…  What are you willing to do about it? Your result will either be triggered by constantly being in some sort of pain or you will continue [...]

Grand conspiracy or profound tragedy…

The United Nations predicts that this pandemic-induced recession could plunge as many as 420 million people into extreme poverty worldwide. 2020 has been an unprecedented year. Whatever you might think of the pandemic, there’s no denying that it has had a profound global impact. It’s been difficult to watch the struggles and growing pains we’ve been [...]

By |2020-12-13T22:33:23+00:00November 29th, 2020|anger, Philsophy, sadness, stress, tired|0 Comments

The man who knows all can learn nothing…

We are filled with fear, anger, confusion and most importantly hope at this time in life. I am going to tell you a story about two men, Louis Pasteur and Antoine Beauchamp's and their relevance to where we are today. These are strange times and the same conflict that was upon these two men in [...]

Bruce Lee: “Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.”

We are more likely to learn in life, school, work and relationships by the mistakes we make rather than the positive outcomes. Admitting to any sort of mistake or misdemeanour that takes great courage. Most of us wiggle our way out and play the child, victim, saboteur or prostitute archetype (survival archetypes). This is not [...]

There is no such thing as a bad medicine, exercise or asana…

There is no such thing as a bad exercise, medication or asana, but there is such a thing as a badly prescribed exercise, medication or asana.  I hear it all the time: cross fit is bad for you, yoga is bad for you, pilates is bad for you, XYZ medication is bad for you. Firstly, [...]


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