
Is it true that you are the five people you spend time with?

Have you heard the quote from Jim Rohn: ‘You are the average of five people you spend the time with the most?’ or heard: ‘Show me your friends and I will show you your future?’ Research from Christakis and Fowler in 'The New England Journal of Medicine' stated that: ‘People are more likely to network [...]

How Pilates teachers can truly empower others!

Does it feel good when we judge, criticize, blame, shame and put other people down? NEVER PUT OTHERS DOWN-EMPOWER AND INSPIRE INSTEAD! As a Pilates teacher, we have been given the greatest gift ever. Everyone that we meet brings us a gift in life. There are no negatives without positives, everything happens for our growth, [...]

Rotation or lack of rotation?

Whatever you want to call it, twisting, turning, rotating, or spiralling, any sort of rotation is the key catalyst of all the synovial joints in the body. Like a rusty hinge we may become stuck or restricted in places. This feels like a block physically and mentally. Like we would use WD40 to loosen a [...]

Are emotion and vision connected? 

Like many of us, I have drastically increased my screen time during lockdown – for me, it’s been through teaching and studying. I’ve noticed a deterioration in my eyesight and have resorted to reading glasses. But am I treating the root cause or the symptom? Now I am not anti-glasses as you have seen me [...]

Can you make your destination your destiny?

When you go on holiday, you have a clear destination in sight. There may be delays, cancellations, missed flights, but you know where you want to go and hopefully you will get there. Before booking, most of us would perhaps do some research, make an investment and then show up in order for the outcome [...]

14 Inspirational musings from a ginger chocolate lady

This week I have been greatly inspired by a lady called Jo Fairley. She spoke for the ‘Business and IP’ Liverpool region at Sefton palm house. I did not recognise who she was when she entered the palm house, but complimented her on those funky shoes (as you can see in the picture). The green [...]

As the words of Belinda Carlisle’s song goes : ‘Heaven is a place on Earth’.

As the words of Belinda Carlisle’s song goes : ‘Heaven is a place on Earth’. This week I had an amazing opportunity to teach Belinda Carlisle face to face whilst on her UK tour. I feel Pilates is an essential tool for all of us, as this can be used in many different ways. For [...]

“Your results are an expression of your level of awareness”- Bob Proctor.

We all have values, priorities and what is important to us in life. When we do something we love, we have energy, vitality and we are engaged. When we do something low priority, we feel overwhelmed and drained, as we feel what we are doing is not important to us or has little value. How [...]

In the way or on the way?

“I can’t do that because XXXX will happen". These beliefs will prevent you from taking action. Every decision that we make comes from our Amygdala (Amygdala is the integrative centre for emotions, emotional behaviour, and motivation. The amygdala is commonly thought to form the core of a neural system for processing fearful and threatening stimuli).  Our [...]

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