
The bathroom stinks……….

“My child, partner or friend is stinking out the bathroom”………is something that I regularly get told. Foul-smelling stools have an unusually strong, putrid smell. In many cases, foul-smelling stools occur due to the foods people eat and the bacteria present in their colon. However, foul-smelling stools can also indicate a serious health problem. Diarrhoea, bloating, or flatulence may occur [...]

Are you the straw man?

A straw man fallacy occurs when someone takes another person's argument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the extreme distortion, as if that is really the claim the first person is making. I get flack from friends and relatives who think I am completely against [...]

Pilates & allostatic load for long covid

Pilates is a low impact gentler form of movement that can be ideal for long covid patients. This should work in conjunction with looking at diet, hydration, sleep, nutrition, thoughts and breathing.  Long covid or long flu has many complexities and does not present black and white. However, we do know that long covid has [...]

What gets measured, gets improved

What gets measured, gets improved. It sounds simple, does it not? We have experienced and seen over the past year that the simple act of merely measuring something can have a tremendous influence on the thing itself (Covid 19 pandemic). If you track your steps with an app you will strive to complete your 10,000 a day. If [...]

By |2021-04-12T18:24:34+01:00April 12th, 2021|anxiety, pain, Philsophy, psychology, transformation|0 Comments

“Only those who can attempt the absurd, can achieve the impossible” – Albert Einstein

I get so many enquiries for everything and anything from chronic pain and weight loss to business and mentoring advice. When clients attend my studios and don’t get the results they wish to see, it”s always because they are not changing their behaviour, habits and belief systems outside the studio. I never just throw anyone [...]

What’s holding you back?

I get so many enquiries for weight-loss, chronic pain, teacher training and rehabilitation programs, but in reality, most people won’t take action. They stay where they are, they want to change but don’t. This is because they actually see more benefit in staying the same than changing. We are like a compass needle; it will [...]

Are health & medicine the same thing?

Is it time we step up and take accountability for own health, behaviour and lifestyle? We all want to spectate in life, taking full participation and to be able to critical think takes effort and good health. “Real thinking is hard work, that’s why most of us rearrange our prejudices.” William James. We of course need [...]

Post lockdown love

“Love is consciousness, becoming aware of the Self”- Paul Chek The way we behave, treat and react to others is a reflection of our state of mental well-being and happiness. Pain is always expressed through emotion because of fear (false-evidence-appearing-real). These are low level emotions that should not be denied, but are coming from fear, [...]

By |2021-02-16T12:42:17+00:00February 16th, 2021|life, love, psychology, stress|0 Comments

Self doubt, fear & critical thinking

Twenty twenty may have left us with wounds that are hard to shrug off, experiencing emotions such as grief, sadness, anger and frustration. However I have to ask you, when have you learnt more in life, would that be in suffering or in happiness? My experience is that great opportunities and self development can come [...]

It is my belief that………

The way behave, communicate and view things is based on our belief system. Judgments and beliefs have caused many wars over the years, much violence, much loss including deaths, and much regret.  We should always choose non violence in life when we are put under pressure. This applies to situations when we are NOT being violated [...]


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