
Can you change at your age?

🎉 Today I am 54 years old. 🎂 The day of birth into the exterior world. 🌎✨ The soul had already entered the body on the first heartbeat ❤️ and leaves on the last heartbeat. 💔 🎁 The biggest gift I can give to myself is my health 🏋️‍♂️🥗 🗣️ The next gift is to [...]

By |2025-03-13T13:51:31+00:00March 13th, 2025|accepting change, anxiety, back pain, life, Philsophy|0 Comments

Three ways to Turbo charge your Pilates teaching!

‘Knowledge is not power, applied knowledge is power!’ We are literally drowning in information but are truly starved of wisdom. So, despite the fact that we have access to more information than ever in mind and body, we are the most inflamed, the most burnt out, the most undernourished, the most judgemental and the weakest [...]

By |2024-11-27T11:44:30+00:00November 27th, 2024|accepting change, Peace, Philsophy, pilates|0 Comments

The vibration of your belief system is in your every action/reaction.

“The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.” ~ cell biologist, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton So, Taylor Swift swept the masses and social media and what an incredible energy and tribe she created in the North-West. But for more philosophical folk who do we look too and [...]

Can emotion and trauma cause dis-ease and disconnection in our body/mind?

Gabor Maté says: “trauma, from the Greek for “wound,” is not what happens to you; it is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you … It is not the blow on the head, but the concussion I get.” That, he says, is the good news. On Thursday 18th April 2024 my [...]

How to find a good or bad Pilates reformer apparatus class!

Firstly there are no good or bad. Everything in life is based on our perception. Our perception is determined by our upbringing including schooling, education, religion, beliefs and environment. Perception bias is the tendency to perceive ourselves and our environment in a subjective way. Although we like to think our judgment is impartial, we are, in fact, [...]

Are you unstoppable???

Do you feel you are star gazing and not making progress in your life, work, relationships or body? Are you comparing yourself to others instead of focusing on your daily actions, core values, dreams and goals? Life is like a train pulling all the carriages. The train engine starts slow down the track and then [...]

14 Inspirational musings from a ginger chocolate lady

This week I have been greatly inspired by a lady called Jo Fairley. She spoke for the ‘Business and IP’ Liverpool region at Sefton palm house. I did not recognise who she was when she entered the palm house, but complimented her on those funky shoes (as you can see in the picture). The green [...]

Why Gratitude and love are still the greatest healers.

My question today : “Is illness (physical, mental, emotionally and spiritually) acting as a feedback loop, to let us know we are not perceiving both sides of the events in our life”? We all have an intrinsic capacity to heal. I have a thirst for understanding the healing process and what it involves. Everything in life [...]

“Your results are an expression of your level of awareness”- Bob Proctor.

We all have values, priorities and what is important to us in life. When we do something we love, we have energy, vitality and we are engaged. When we do something low priority, we feel overwhelmed and drained, as we feel what we are doing is not important to us or has little value. How [...]

A life of inspiration rather than desperation – Part 1

As we enter 2023 once again it is that annual moment were your past and future arrows meet in time. A time to question your life, your habits, your core values, your choices, your relationships with the self and others. We make endless New year resolutions, only to fade away a few days, weeks or [...]

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