Nisha Srivastava

About Nisha Srivastava

Nisha is a certified level 3 Chek practitioner and holistic lifestyle coach specialising in Pilates and Yoga. Her journey started when a visiting Laban teacher introduced her to Pilates at Dance College in a contemporary class during her first year. Its effects were forgotten but she then re-discovered Pilates through Michael King eleven years later whilst running her dance school. Her background spans over 32 years with formal training in classical ballet, modern dance, tap, national choreography, stage production and theatre. Her formation includes Pilates, Thai bodywork, Yoga, GYROTONIC, GYROKINESIS, Garuda and anatomical studies. Her particular interest is fascia, and the connective lines and movement patterns that allow a full moving structure rather than the isolation of bones and muscles. Her fascination with questioning the traditions of modern medicine and fascination with searching for meaningful answers has taken her in many different directions and has offered her an abundance of opportunities gaining a wealth of knowledge. “I tried many movement modalities and extended my search after experiencing fascia, because of its connection of movement. Quickly, I noticed my own body changing, as well as the bodies of my own clients. In the last 32 years of teaching I’ve developed my own movement and lifestyle philosophy". Throughout her studies Nisha has done numerous dissections with Julian Baker, Mel Cash and Cery Davies and has the opportunity to take lectures and courses from James de Silva, Robert Schleip, Joanne Avison, Tom Myers, Matt Wallden, Leigh Brandon, Emma Lane, Gary Carter, Paul Chek, Dan Hellman, Peter Blackaby plus many more. Nisha's teaching method promotes reflective self-discovery and provides the requirements to integrate a shift in consciousness for attaining individual goals. Nisha teaches in her own studios in St. Helens and Manchester, plus she also has an online following. Throughout her career she has also taught Sting, Sir Ian McKellen, Cirque de Soleil, Will Young and Belinda Carlisle. She has also worked in professional football and both Rugby League and Union for over 20 years. Players she has provided a specific program for were former Manchester Citys Vincent Kompany, Everton's Steven Pinnear and goal keeper Jonas Lossi. She maintains that an attitude of compassion, consistency and joyous humour are excellent components to growth and expanded potential. She welcomes all level of movers from the beginner to the seasoned athlete who have a desire to increase their skill potential, also teachers and students. Her specialties include assisting post rehabilitative back pain individuals, injury prevention for athletes and spine health for everyday people.

Are you unstoppable???

Do you feel you are star gazing and not making progress in your life, work, relationships or body? Are you comparing yourself to others instead of focusing on your daily actions, core values, dreams and goals? Life is like a train pulling all the carriages. The train engine starts slow down the track and then [...]

Eliminating bad habits

“Success is hastened or delayed by one’s habits. It is not your passing inspirations or brilliant ideas so much as your everyday mental habits that control your life.” Paramahansa Yogananda We are 100% committed to our habits whether they are good or bad. Clients come to me to improve back pain, lose weight, improve their lifestyle, [...]

By |2023-03-13T18:01:02+00:00March 12th, 2023|habits, life, love|0 Comments

14 Inspirational musings from a ginger chocolate lady

This week I have been greatly inspired by a lady called Jo Fairley. She spoke for the ‘Business and IP’ Liverpool region at Sefton palm house. I did not recognise who she was when she entered the palm house, but complimented her on those funky shoes (as you can see in the picture). The green [...]

Should we be stretching, releasing, pandiculating or strengthening the hip flexors?

Firstly nothing works in isolation. A muscle can only exist is someone has cut it out and then put then labelled them origin and insertion. All muscles, organs and emotions are part of a full holistic bio emotional profile. However if we want to look at  a muscle in isolation, the hip flexors are the [...]

By |2023-02-23T09:00:55+00:00February 23rd, 2023|accepting change, anatomy, back pain, life, love, thinking, Thoughts|0 Comments

As the words of Belinda Carlisle’s song goes : ‘Heaven is a place on Earth’.

As the words of Belinda Carlisle’s song goes : ‘Heaven is a place on Earth’. This week I had an amazing opportunity to teach Belinda Carlisle face to face whilst on her UK tour. I feel Pilates is an essential tool for all of us, as this can be used in many different ways. For [...]

Why Gratitude and love are still the greatest healers.

My question today : “Is illness (physical, mental, emotionally and spiritually) acting as a feedback loop, to let us know we are not perceiving both sides of the events in our life”? We all have an intrinsic capacity to heal. I have a thirst for understanding the healing process and what it involves. Everything in life [...]

“Your results are an expression of your level of awareness”- Bob Proctor.

We all have values, priorities and what is important to us in life. When we do something we love, we have energy, vitality and we are engaged. When we do something low priority, we feel overwhelmed and drained, as we feel what we are doing is not important to us or has little value. How [...]

Champion league results require champion league action

Whether you are a professional footballer, Joe Bloggs or a little old woman. You can only get out of a movement program by what you put in by your daily lifestyle, choices and habits.  Having a proper evaluation of the bodies systems will show your areas of weakness and strength. Clients predominantly enquire to me [...]

By |2023-01-09T15:06:54+00:00January 9th, 2023|back pain|0 Comments

In the way or on the way?

“I can’t do that because XXXX will happen". These beliefs will prevent you from taking action. Every decision that we make comes from our Amygdala (Amygdala is the integrative centre for emotions, emotional behaviour, and motivation. The amygdala is commonly thought to form the core of a neural system for processing fearful and threatening stimuli).  Our [...]

A life of inspiration rather than desperation – Part 1

As we enter 2023 once again it is that annual moment were your past and future arrows meet in time. A time to question your life, your habits, your core values, your choices, your relationships with the self and others. We make endless New year resolutions, only to fade away a few days, weeks or [...]


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