
Failure & 5000 reasons not to do something – Part 2

Did you know that most of us actually wake up every day looking for pain, dysfunction, drama and blaming everyone else. Tough to read this, I know! As Dr. John Martinee would say it’s living in your hind brain and amygdala instead of in your forebrain and foresight. The best way to progress in anything [...]

By |2023-04-23T09:28:23+01:00June 3rd, 2018|accepting change, pain, psychology|0 Comments

Changing others does not work – Be the change you want to see in the world

If your tendency is to try and change other people, take some time to explore why you feel the need to do so. We all do it, whether it's our beliefs system on food, religion, the planet, bringing up children, what to spend, what to do ............................ Guess what we do it ten times more [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:03+01:00April 22nd, 2018|accepting change, life, pain, Philsophy|0 Comments

“Don’t let your biology become your biography”

In order to survive in life, we take on certain behavioural patterns and characteristics. These are known as archetypes, it’s important that we know when we are behaving as a particular archetype. As the famous Carolyn Myss would say “Don’t let your biology become your biography”. Life is tough and hard and we are all experience [...]

By |2024-01-31T01:11:59+00:00March 25th, 2018|accepting change, pain, tired|0 Comments

Survival & our behaviour part 1

Around the world, people go about doing the same things in very different ways. Although the behaviours of races and cultures are different, the basic needs they are satisfying are very similar. Abraham Maslow is one psychologist who studied these needs. Remember: "Our genes load the gun but the environment pulls the trigger". A great [...]

Everything starts with love…………………….

Are you still looking in the mirror to confirm your beauty and love? We all suffer the ups and downs of life like Laird Hamilton surfing the big waves. One of the most fundamental challenges in life is to understand our relationships, both with ourselves and those around us. In my studies and work with clients, [...]

By |2019-02-11T10:45:11+00:00January 14th, 2018|Emotional Experience, love, pain|0 Comments

Kyphosis, round shoulders and dowagers hump

Kyphosis, round shoulders does not necessarily mean you have fractures in the thoracic vertebrae. Sometimes these habits go all the way back to childhood when you sat slumped in your school desk or on the couch. Or you might have developed a slouching posture because you grew taller than your peers at an early age, [...]

Forward head posture & headaches

Is there a link between forwarding head posture and headaches? If your head is forward the tight shortened muscles at the front of the neck will be the scalenes and sternocleidomastoid. They directly contribute to the forward pull of the head, tightness in the upper trapezius (top of the shoulder), chest and deltoids typically also contribute [...]

Uncle Fester, Angry Liver & My Dark Eye Circles

 Today I have ‘dark rings or racoon eyes’ - aka Uncle Fester, The Munsters. The liver and the kidneys are the two main organs of detoxification. As most of us will have food and gut intolerances, these will be made worse over the celebration season. It is easy to spot and feel. There are many [...]

Your gut, organs and back pain – the missing link.

The organs, emotions and the body's connective tissues including bones, muscles, ligaments are all neurally connected both way. In my 25 years plus of teaching experience I have found that exercise, pilates, yoga, and movement will really help some clients with back pain. However, if the pain continues to reside, there is a bigger picture on [...]

Depression & the fungus link

When researching the figures for 2017 on depression in the UK. The Office for National statistics could not provide specific statistics, however, the charity 'MIND' was more helpful. Nowhere in my research could I find education on the gut-brain and its key link to depression. As BBC 'Doctor in the house' pioneer Dr.Chattergee pioneers to [...]

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