Emotional Experience

Five reflections from the Corona Virus

1.Non-Judgement - Many of us have come to realise that some of our ideas actually create separation and segregation from those who we love and care about and to heal we must alter our language and expression.  We need to observe staying in the moment rather than having fear take over, connecting with each other [...]

It’s not about the germ, it’s about the terrain!

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Krishnamurti. All malads of the body and mind start with some sort of inflammation, this includes depression, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, dementia,  fibromyalgia, heart disease, anxiety, ADHD, autism and so many more. There is no separation from brain to gut and [...]

Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens – Carl Jung

We are stimulated by external knowledge and information constantly. As commented by the American psychiatrist Edward Hallowell, “never in human history, our brains had to process so much information as today. We have now a generation of people who spend many hours in front of a computer monitor or a cell phone and who are so [...]

Does isolation exist in the body?

When we look at traditional anatomy books, pictures or images, we are seeing someones interpretation of what's important to them after dissecting, so they take charge of what's worth cutting away and what's worth keeping. All anatomy images when placed on exercises or marketed in movement/treatment are merely a perception of the authors view of [...]

Facing your own self shadow – Part 2

My first interaction of the shadow self many years ago when I opened my Pilates studio in St.Helens. I was visited by a fellow Pilates teacher who wanted to open a studio and was told to stay my side of the bridge. As you all know I am from Merseyside. I now understand that the [...]

Addictions – painkillers, smoking, drinking, shopping, exercise, sugar & sex

This week I appeared on an ITV news feature on painkillers with my client Claire Madin. Most people will seek me out because of my Pilates and Yoga teacher qualifications. However when they come to me I always treat the person and not the disease. Pilates and Yoga is, and has been medically proven to [...]

Looking at the emotion anxiety

Post Covid 19 we are left with more anxiety than ever before , why is this? Well firstly anxiety is inflammation and most of us are already chronically inflamed. This may not show as extra weight in the body but can show by so many other sources (including gut microbiome). Anxiety is just one of [...]

Looking positively on the emotion Sadness

The immortal poet and writer of  human condition, the Lebanese American Kahil Gilbran once wrote; “The deeper that sorrow carves in your being, the more joy you can contain". There is a truth, sadness shapes the contours of our soul, and our mental character in a fundamental way. Just as an engraver uses force to [...]

Emotions, the good, the bad and the ugly

Why are emotions so powerful? What are they? They not only effect the way we react, but they effect the way we breathe, the way we move, our posture and they form the shape of our connective tissues. Many people have a hard time feeling their emotions, or even consciously generating positive ones. This is why [...]

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