Nisha Srivastava

About Nisha Srivastava

Nisha is a certified level 3 Chek practitioner and holistic lifestyle coach specialising in Pilates and Yoga. Her journey started when a visiting Laban teacher introduced her to Pilates at Dance College in a contemporary class during her first year. Its effects were forgotten but she then re-discovered Pilates through Michael King eleven years later whilst running her dance school. Her background spans over 32 years with formal training in classical ballet, modern dance, tap, national choreography, stage production and theatre. Her formation includes Pilates, Thai bodywork, Yoga, GYROTONIC, GYROKINESIS, Garuda and anatomical studies. Her particular interest is fascia, and the connective lines and movement patterns that allow a full moving structure rather than the isolation of bones and muscles. Her fascination with questioning the traditions of modern medicine and fascination with searching for meaningful answers has taken her in many different directions and has offered her an abundance of opportunities gaining a wealth of knowledge. “I tried many movement modalities and extended my search after experiencing fascia, because of its connection of movement. Quickly, I noticed my own body changing, as well as the bodies of my own clients. In the last 32 years of teaching I’ve developed my own movement and lifestyle philosophy". Throughout her studies Nisha has done numerous dissections with Julian Baker, Mel Cash and Cery Davies and has the opportunity to take lectures and courses from James de Silva, Robert Schleip, Joanne Avison, Tom Myers, Matt Wallden, Leigh Brandon, Emma Lane, Gary Carter, Paul Chek, Dan Hellman, Peter Blackaby plus many more. Nisha's teaching method promotes reflective self-discovery and provides the requirements to integrate a shift in consciousness for attaining individual goals. Nisha teaches in her own studios in St. Helens and Manchester, plus she also has an online following. Throughout her career she has also taught Sting, Sir Ian McKellen, Cirque de Soleil, Will Young and Belinda Carlisle. She has also worked in professional football and both Rugby League and Union for over 20 years. Players she has provided a specific program for were former Manchester Citys Vincent Kompany, Everton's Steven Pinnear and goal keeper Jonas Lossi. She maintains that an attitude of compassion, consistency and joyous humour are excellent components to growth and expanded potential. She welcomes all level of movers from the beginner to the seasoned athlete who have a desire to increase their skill potential, also teachers and students. Her specialties include assisting post rehabilitative back pain individuals, injury prevention for athletes and spine health for everyday people.

Till death do us part!

This blog reflects my feelings, experiences and belief systems over the last week. This is a note I found while going through my mother’s belongings. My mother passed away on Sunday 28th April 2024. She had had a brain bleed on the pons ten days previous, plus a number of other underlying complications including vascular [...]

By |2024-05-07T17:37:56+01:00May 7th, 2024|accepting change|0 Comments

Can emotion and trauma cause dis-ease and disconnection in our body/mind?

Gabor Maté says: “trauma, from the Greek for “wound,” is not what happens to you; it is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you … It is not the blow on the head, but the concussion I get.” That, he says, is the good news. On Thursday 18th April 2024 my [...]

The spirit of fascia

As we learn more and more about the body, are we moving forwards or backwards? We label everything and everyone, so that we then embody that condition. Biomechanics of the body is explained as screws, hinges, pivots and origin and insertion of muscles. We tend to look at starting and finishing points rather than integrated [...]

Rotation or lack of rotation?

Whatever you want to call it, twisting, turning, rotating, or spiralling, any sort of rotation is the key catalyst of all the synovial joints in the body. Like a rusty hinge we may become stuck or restricted in places. This feels like a block physically and mentally. Like we would use WD40 to loosen a [...]

Why eyesight and back pain could be linked!

Gravity pulls us towards the earth at 9.8 meters per second squared (m/s2). Coupled with habitual patterns learnt from parents, plus lifestyle habits and even stress, all these factors can contribute to a forward head protrusion. In many clients that I have seen including myself, a forward head starts when the cervical ligaments, the bands [...]

You are not your story, you are your belief system!

It’s not for me. I’ll let someone else do it. I don’t have time. I don’t deserve this. The best ones have gone. People will laugh at me. People will criticize me. It did not work, but deep down I know I did not put in the time and commitment. My back hurts. This is [...]

The danger of our belief systems – Part 1

“A belief system can be as dangerous as it is helpful. It's like a double-edged sword.” Paul Chek We get stuck in  states of consciousness and this why so many of us are in fight-or-flight mode and fear change. We think we are the consumer but infact we are being consumed. Better the devil you [...]

8 reasons to invest in your spine!

Nobody wants back or spine problems especially as we age. Investing in a spine specific program can keep you active so you can enjoy life to the full. To maintain a healthy spine, it's important to practice good posture, engage in regular movement to strengthen the supporting muscles, maintain a healthy body weight, and seek [...]

By |2023-09-14T20:46:59+01:00September 14th, 2023|back pain|0 Comments

Are you really training your core/powerhouse/bandhas/centre of whatever you want to call it?

As you know I teach and practice holistic lifestyle and Pilates, and I will often use the word core, even though I will say that in isolation the individual muscles will do nothing. However this is where the understanding of the full method of  pilates apparatus and the body comes from. If you take class [...]

By |2023-08-28T19:04:07+01:00August 28th, 2023|anger, Breathing, Depression, Joseph Pilates, life, love|0 Comments
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