Emotional Experience

Adrenal gland fatigue, myth or reality?

Are you running on empty? When I was training in dance over 25 years ago, I remember the symptoms associated with adrenal gland fatigue particularly in performers, yet it was never recognised. Dancers would train for shows or exams and often fall ill and the understudy would step in at the last minute. This is [...]

How should Yoga, Pilates & academic subjects actually be taught?

As an adult learner, do you understand your learning type? If I was given a second chance to go to school again, I would not choose the normal sit in front of  a blackboard for X number of hours a day. I would've have chosen a more creative and cognitive space such as a Montessori [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:17+01:00August 27th, 2016|anatomy, Emotional Experience, Inspiration, life, yoga|0 Comments

Every cigarette contains half a teaspoon of sugar

 Did you know that every cigarette contains half a teaspoon of sugar Talk to any smoker and they will usually agree that it's not the best for their health. Then what is it and why is that some can give up and make change and others stay stuck in a rut. Did you know that [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:17+01:00August 27th, 2016|Emotional Experience, stress|0 Comments
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