Emotional Experience

Rehab for cancer- Part 2

"The influence of psychosocial factors on the development and progression of cancer has been a longstanding hypothesis since ancient times. In fact, epidemiological and clinical studies over the past 30 years have provided strong evidence for links between chronic stress, depression and social isolation and cancer progression. By contrast, there is only limited evidence for [...]

Rehab for cancer patients Part 1

We have a number of cancer patients training at our studios now with some amazing results. Particularly popular is our breast cancer rehab program. All of us have cancer in our body. Today more than ever we have a high plethora of cancer causing agents from the environment to our food supply. The only difference from [...]

Why quick fixes do not work – There is no substitute for doing the work

Quick fixes don't work in the body. Most of us don't want to hear this, but; there really are no quick fixes or short cuts to optimal health and movement  (or to anything else worthwhile, for that matter). The road to bettering ourselves is a long continous one that requires time, commitment and self discipline. I always [...]

Survival & our behaviour part 1

Around the world, people go about doing the same things in very different ways. Although the behaviours of races and cultures are different, the basic needs they are satisfying are very similar. Abraham Maslow is one psychologist who studied these needs. Remember: "Our genes load the gun but the environment pulls the trigger". A great [...]

Fibromyalgia, serotonin & repressed anger – Is there a link?

I am raising the question today is there a link between GIT (gastrointestinal tract), serotonin, IBS and repressed anger that could be triggering fibromyalgia. Although there are many possible causes of fibromyalgia, what can be certain is that all of the possible causes are a direct result of a cascade of disturbances and resulting malfunctions. [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:04+01:00February 27th, 2018|Embodied Emotion, Emotional Experience, Wheat|0 Comments

Everything starts with love…………………….

Are you still looking in the mirror to confirm your beauty and love? We all suffer the ups and downs of life like Laird Hamilton surfing the big waves. One of the most fundamental challenges in life is to understand our relationships, both with ourselves and those around us. In my studies and work with clients, [...]

By |2019-02-11T10:45:11+00:00January 14th, 2018|Emotional Experience, love, pain|0 Comments

Have New years resolutions become a joke?

What's holding you back from making a permanent change this year whether it be in your work, private or family life?  The New Year’s tradition has become a sort of joke, but there’s something right about setting a goal for the coming year – to set your sights on self-improvement?  One reason why resolutions might [...]

Forward head posture & headaches

Is there a link between forwarding head posture and headaches? If your head is forward the tight shortened muscles at the front of the neck will be the scalenes and sternocleidomastoid. They directly contribute to the forward pull of the head, tightness in the upper trapezius (top of the shoulder), chest and deltoids typically also contribute [...]

The rescuer archetype – Is this you?

As we start 2018, do you feel grounded, healthy, pain-free and able to give the best you can to work, family and yourself? If not, it's only you who can change your own story. Perhaps you're following the same pattern as your parents. If your a parent are your children following your same habitual pain [...]

Sibo’s top ten christmas survival tips

What on earth is Sibo I thought? On a recent GIT  (Gastrointestinal tract) this word came up. It sounded like a U.F.O was invading my intestines. Sibo stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Most of us have it but ignore the symptoms until they become a disease or illness. As you know I have a [...]

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