connective tissue repair

Feet & grounding – Part 2

"In all animals and humans, a single cell is the building block for constructing the body and and a self centred  template for the whole." Surgeon Nial Galloway As they multiply self self organising cells pack themselves together in tissues. Powerful forces are constantly at work multiplying one cell to become two, then two to [...]

Rehab for cancer- Part 2

"The influence of psychosocial factors on the development and progression of cancer has been a longstanding hypothesis since ancient times. In fact, epidemiological and clinical studies over the past 30 years have provided strong evidence for links between chronic stress, depression and social isolation and cancer progression. By contrast, there is only limited evidence for [...]

Why quick fixes do not work – There is no substitute for doing the work

Quick fixes don't work in the body. Most of us don't want to hear this, but; there really are no quick fixes or short cuts to optimal health and movement  (or to anything else worthwhile, for that matter). The road to bettering ourselves is a long continous one that requires time, commitment and self discipline. I always [...]

Kyphosis, round shoulders and dowagers hump

Kyphosis, round shoulders does not necessarily mean you have fractures in the thoracic vertebrae. Sometimes these habits go all the way back to childhood when you sat slumped in your school desk or on the couch. Or you might have developed a slouching posture because you grew taller than your peers at an early age, [...]

Forward head posture & headaches

Is there a link between forwarding head posture and headaches? If your head is forward the tight shortened muscles at the front of the neck will be the scalenes and sternocleidomastoid. They directly contribute to the forward pull of the head, tightness in the upper trapezius (top of the shoulder), chest and deltoids typically also contribute [...]

Uncle Fester, Angry Liver & My Dark Eye Circles

 Today I have ‘dark rings or racoon eyes’ - aka Uncle Fester, The Munsters. The liver and the kidneys are the two main organs of detoxification. As most of us will have food and gut intolerances, these will be made worse over the celebration season. It is easy to spot and feel. There are many [...]

Sibo’s top ten christmas survival tips

What on earth is Sibo I thought? On a recent GIT  (Gastrointestinal tract) this word came up. It sounded like a U.F.O was invading my intestines. Sibo stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Most of us have it but ignore the symptoms until they become a disease or illness. As you know I have a [...]

IBS & the depression link – Part 2

You've heard me say: "Stinking poops, stinking thoughts!". What do I mean by this? Did you know that the brain and gut develop from the same part of the human embryo and therefore share many nerve endings and chemical transmitters? This explains why GIT (Gastro, intestinal tract) symptoms result from emotional stimulants. Nearly every chemical that [...]

Preventing & recovering from chronic pain

Certainly, you must be aware of the unique situation humanity finds itself in today: more doctors, scientists, therapists and advanced technology than ever in history – yet we are more unhealthy, unfit, even sicker than ever in history! How can it be that we put men on the moon at will, fly sophisticated aeroplanes, make [...]

Men do Pilates featuring transplant swimmer Matthew Burrows

Matthew received a life-changing kidney transplant in April 2015 following eight years of poor health due to kidney failure. During these eight years daily life was tough and sports near impossible and for Matthew who had always been a keen sportsman the loss of his health and fitness was a major blow. Following transplantation, Matthew [...]


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