
Changing others does not work – Be the change you want to see in the world

If your tendency is to try and change other people, take some time to explore why you feel the need to do so. We all do it, whether it's our beliefs system on food, religion, the planet, bringing up children, what to spend, what to do ............................ Guess what we do it ten times more [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:03+01:00April 22nd, 2018|accepting change, life, pain, Philsophy|0 Comments

Talent, skill & footballer Steven Pienaar

Why have some of us got it and some of us have not? Whether it's football, pilates, yoga, playing an instrument, passing an exam or taking up a new hobby. Every human has a skill; this is based on revolutionary scientific discovery involving a neural insulator called myelin, which some neurologists now consider being the [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:03+01:00March 4th, 2018|life, Philsophy, pilates|0 Comments

Have New years resolutions become a joke?

What's holding you back from making a permanent change this year whether it be in your work, private or family life?  The New Year’s tradition has become a sort of joke, but there’s something right about setting a goal for the coming year – to set your sights on self-improvement?  One reason why resolutions might [...]

The rescuer archetype – Is this you?

As we start 2018, do you feel grounded, healthy, pain-free and able to give the best you can to work, family and yourself? If not, it's only you who can change your own story. Perhaps you're following the same pattern as your parents. If your a parent are your children following your same habitual pain [...]

Pain – Physical, mental and emotional – it’s all the same

Pain can be difficult—difficult to get through, difficult to describe, difficult to quantify, difficult to treat and difficult to get others to understand. The perception of pain is subjective—one person’s agony of pain may be shrugged off by another as an inconvenience. Healthcare providers often ask people to rate their pain on a scale of [...]

Inflammation – How can we play a part?

Throughout the last thirty years of teaching clients and children, inflammation has been on the rise. When I was at school you only heard of asthma and eczema, now there is whole other list of complications that both parents and children have to battle with. In my early days of teaching I did not have [...]

By |2023-04-12T13:34:40+01:00August 14th, 2017|pain, Philsophy, psychology, stress, tired|0 Comments

“Some- thing or no-thing” – English housewife saying

Old English housewife saying: "Something or Nothing".  How many ways can we interpret this? Could we delve a little deeper and apply this to human life and living. In order to live we must breathe, without breath we would die. We breathe every day unconsciously. When we go into deep day dreams, mediative states or runners [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:10+01:00August 11th, 2017|Philsophy, psychology|0 Comments

The conscious & unconscious dialogue we have with ourselves

We all hear voices, it's true, we do. Every time i run up a hill i hear a little voice telling me how tough it is, to slow down or stop and give up. I resist the voices and keep going. We constantly have a conscious and unconscious dialogue with ourselves.  According to Deepak Chopra [...]

Finding the right rehab studio for your pain

There are a number of concerns regarding strength training in a rehab setting. Finding the right studio and the right person to understand you can be a frustrating proposition. At our clinics, we make sure that we speak to all our clients individually first. Before we even consider charging them. Inflammation in joints and surrounding [...]

Healing from anger and frustration

Healing and making sense of it all This week the Manchester community has really been put to the test physically, mentally and spiritually. The massive support locally and from around the world has been overwhelming making the community stronger. Everyone will feel some sort of emotion and we are all different, it could be anger, [...]

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