
The effects of gossip and negative words on ourselves and others

You may of noticed that I have put Don Miguel Ruiz 'The four Amendments' up at both St.Helens and Manchester studios. When we complain about our lot in life, speak anxiously or use hateful words, we usually do so from a place of fear. So, the first step that you need to take in order [...]

‘You will not be punished for your anger, you will by punished your anger’

Have you heard the terms 'Green with envy', 'Angry liver'.  Anger and frustration are key emotions connected to the liver. Feelings of anger plague us all the time. We are all capable of flying off the handle, saying things we didn't mean or doing things out of character. Our real emotions lie below the surface [...]

Part 2 – The power of words

"What we say is what we become". I am being very careful with my words at present in emails and social media. You may not get the response you want but I also want to make you think and take responsibility for the self.  George Bernard Shaw said, "People are always blaming their circumstances for what [...]

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.

We truly want to succeed but may be afraid, so we subconsciously create circumstances to keep ourselves stuck. Everyone is always telling me that they don't have time to take class, shop for good food, get on the weight loss program, sort out their back, knee, hip pain etc change their diet and lifestyle. Did [...]

Rehab for cancer- Part 2

"The influence of psychosocial factors on the development and progression of cancer has been a longstanding hypothesis since ancient times. In fact, epidemiological and clinical studies over the past 30 years have provided strong evidence for links between chronic stress, depression and social isolation and cancer progression. By contrast, there is only limited evidence for [...]

“Everyone wants to change, but no one wants to be changed”.

Anyone who has intentions of change has most likely discovered making lasting change is very hard. It’s usually our own internal fears that hold us back from change. “Better the devil you know than the devil you dont know”. It’s, therefore, easier to stay in poor habitual patterns or lifestyle habits that don’t serve or help [...]

By |2024-01-31T01:12:14+00:00March 25th, 2018|accepting change, Inspiration, life, love|0 Comments

Survival & our behaviour part 1

Around the world, people go about doing the same things in very different ways. Although the behaviours of races and cultures are different, the basic needs they are satisfying are very similar. Abraham Maslow is one psychologist who studied these needs. Remember: "Our genes load the gun but the environment pulls the trigger". A great [...]

Everything starts with love…………………….

Are you still looking in the mirror to confirm your beauty and love? We all suffer the ups and downs of life like Laird Hamilton surfing the big waves. One of the most fundamental challenges in life is to understand our relationships, both with ourselves and those around us. In my studies and work with clients, [...]

By |2019-02-11T10:45:11+00:00January 14th, 2018|Emotional Experience, love, pain|0 Comments
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