
Men do Pilates featuring transplant swimmer Matthew Burrows

Matthew received a life-changing kidney transplant in April 2015 following eight years of poor health due to kidney failure. During these eight years daily life was tough and sports near impossible and for Matthew who had always been a keen sportsman the loss of his health and fitness was a major blow. Following transplantation, Matthew [...]

Men do Pilates featuring Azeem Amir Bind Athlete

As more and more men turn to Pilates I thought I would feature some of the men who have been frequenting our studio.  First of all, Joeseph Pilates was a man, there is nothing sissy about Pilates. I have taught countless world-class athletes who have been reduced to a quiver in my sessions.  This week we [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:09+01:00September 17th, 2017|accepting change, Inspiration, life, pilates|0 Comments

Pain – Physical, mental and emotional – it’s all the same

Pain can be difficult—difficult to get through, difficult to describe, difficult to quantify, difficult to treat and difficult to get others to understand. The perception of pain is subjective—one person’s agony of pain may be shrugged off by another as an inconvenience. Healthcare providers often ask people to rate their pain on a scale of [...]

The conscious & unconscious dialogue we have with ourselves

We all hear voices, it's true, we do. Every time i run up a hill i hear a little voice telling me how tough it is, to slow down or stop and give up. I resist the voices and keep going. We constantly have a conscious and unconscious dialogue with ourselves.  According to Deepak Chopra [...]

“If it does not work remove it” said the surgeon and the car mechanic

“If it does not work remove it” said the surgeon and the car mechanic When things break in the house, garden, car and body we have a simple quick fix solution, which saves a lot of time, energy, effort and resources. That is to say simply remove it and perhaps replace it. However, we only [...]

Chemical Nation – What’s really in your basket

Every day we are exposed to hundreds of chemicals from pesticides that cover our fruit and veg to household products like washing powders, lotions and potions that we put on our skin. The biggest risk of getting diabetes is not on how much food you eat, but actually the quality of food you are putting in [...]

Adrenal gland fatigue, myth or reality?

Are you running on empty? When I was training in dance over 25 years ago, I remember the symptoms associated with adrenal gland fatigue particularly in performers, yet it was never recognised. Dancers would train for shows or exams and often fall ill and the understudy would step in at the last minute. This is [...]

Why did Joe, Iyengar & Julio use equipment?

Equipment with clients - is it right? Do we need it? Below is a thought provoking question submitted to our studio from an interested party. We have two fully equipped Pilates, GYROTONIC ® and Yoga studios and do have lots of props as well as mat sessions only.  Interested client: "My concern is twofold, 1) [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:17+01:00September 23rd, 2016|anatomy, Inspiration, life, pilates, yoga|0 Comments

Help I’ve forgot – Stress & Memory

How stress affects our memory Yikes, you pass someone down the street and you cannot remember their name? You go through every part of the brain trying to remember the where, how and circumstance that you know them but it just does not connect. Better still you're thinking of that film with the car crash and [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:17+01:00August 29th, 2016|Inspiration, life, stress|0 Comments

How should Yoga, Pilates & academic subjects actually be taught?

As an adult learner, do you understand your learning type? If I was given a second chance to go to school again, I would not choose the normal sit in front of  a blackboard for X number of hours a day. I would've have chosen a more creative and cognitive space such as a Montessori [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:17+01:00August 27th, 2016|anatomy, Emotional Experience, Inspiration, life, yoga|0 Comments
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