Emotional Experience

Your gut, organs and back pain – the missing link.

The organs, emotions and the body's connective tissues including bones, muscles, ligaments are all neurally connected both way. In my 25 years plus of teaching experience I have found that exercise, pilates, yoga, and movement will really help some clients with back pain. However, if the pain continues to reside, there is a bigger picture on [...]

Help my child has Autism!

Autism is on the rise, so many parents and colleagues are telling me that their child has Autism. EVERY one of us is on the autistic spectrum: We all experience key symptoms 'just to varying degrees'. Apart from childhood learning disabilities autism, ADHD/ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and various learning and behavioural problems all are connected with [...]

Depression & the fungus link

When researching the figures for 2017 on depression in the UK. The Office for National statistics could not provide specific statistics, however, the charity 'MIND' was more helpful. Nowhere in my research could I find education on the gut-brain and its key link to depression. As BBC 'Doctor in the house' pioneer Dr.Chattergee pioneers to [...]

Is it prostrate cancer or is it a fungal infection?

This is not a subject we like to talk about, we may snigger or cower with embarrassment. Women are told to check their men's prostates and men are told to check their women's breast for cancer. As more and more clients call me suffering from prostate problems or breast cancer I felt the time is [...]

Itchy legs, running, the gut and skin disorders

When I was back at dance college i recall getting itchy legs after petit and grand allegro in the ballet class. I thought it was eczema and irritation to the nylon unflattering ballet tights. Fast forwards another twenty years and I have experienced itchy legs straight after running. Not only did I notice this but I [...]

Pain – Physical, mental and emotional – it’s all the same

Pain can be difficult—difficult to get through, difficult to describe, difficult to quantify, difficult to treat and difficult to get others to understand. The perception of pain is subjective—one person’s agony of pain may be shrugged off by another as an inconvenience. Healthcare providers often ask people to rate their pain on a scale of [...]

All pain is multi factoral – Why is that?

Chronic pain can limit your everyday activities and make it hard to work. It can also affect how involved you are with friends and family members. Co-workers, family, and friends may have to do more than their usual share when you cannot do the things you normally do. Unwanted feelings, such as frustration, resentment, and [...]

Keeping active as we age

"You are only as old as our spine"-  Joe Pilates In many cultures around the world the ageing population is greatly respected as elders with great wisdom and experience. None of us want to get old and we are constantly being sold potions, pills and gimmicks to give us the elixir of life. Whilst studying the [...]

Healing from anger and frustration

Healing and making sense of it all This week the Manchester community has really been put to the test physically, mentally and spiritually. The massive support locally and from around the world has been overwhelming making the community stronger. Everyone will feel some sort of emotion and we are all different, it could be anger, [...]

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