
“An Indian man leads with his belly”- Old housewife saying.

“An Indian man leads with his belly” is a saying that i have grown up with. Indians like many cultures like to take a morning and evening walk before and after the intense heat of the day. Pictured above is Mahatma Gandhi taking his morning walk. The belly can be most definitely seen as leading [...]

Finding the right rehab studio for your pain

There are a number of concerns regarding strength training in a rehab setting. Finding the right studio and the right person to understand you can be a frustrating proposition. At our clinics, we make sure that we speak to all our clients individually first. Before we even consider charging them. Inflammation in joints and surrounding [...]

Connective tissue turnover & eccentric training

Can you really achieve healing and postural results on the body during a small period of time? Medical studies tell us that a minimum of twelve weeks is required to achieve effective recovery and tissue adaptation. All our studios offer twelve week courses, any less than this and the client will not achieve long term benefits [...]

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