connective tissue recovery

Your gut, organs and back pain – the missing link.

The organs, emotions and the body's connective tissues including bones, muscles, ligaments are all neurally connected both way. In my 25 years plus of teaching experience I have found that exercise, pilates, yoga, and movement will really help some clients with back pain. However, if the pain continues to reside, there is a bigger picture on [...]

IBS & the depression link – Part 2

You've heard me say: "Stinking poops, stinking thoughts!". What do I mean by this? Did you know that the brain and gut develop from the same part of the human embryo and therefore share many nerve endings and chemical transmitters? This explains why GIT (Gastro, intestinal tract) symptoms result from emotional stimulants. Nearly every chemical that [...]

Preventing & recovering from chronic pain

Certainly, you must be aware of the unique situation humanity finds itself in today: more doctors, scientists, therapists and advanced technology than ever in history – yet we are more unhealthy, unfit, even sicker than ever in history! How can it be that we put men on the moon at will, fly sophisticated aeroplanes, make [...]

Men do Pilates featuring transplant swimmer Matthew Burrows

Matthew received a life-changing kidney transplant in April 2015 following eight years of poor health due to kidney failure. During these eight years daily life was tough and sports near impossible and for Matthew who had always been a keen sportsman the loss of his health and fitness was a major blow. Following transplantation, Matthew [...]

Itchy legs, running, the gut and skin disorders

When I was back at dance college i recall getting itchy legs after petit and grand allegro in the ballet class. I thought it was eczema and irritation to the nylon unflattering ballet tights. Fast forwards another twenty years and I have experienced itchy legs straight after running. Not only did I notice this but I [...]

“An Indian man leads with his belly”- Old housewife saying.

“An Indian man leads with his belly” is a saying that i have grown up with. Indians like many cultures like to take a morning and evening walk before and after the intense heat of the day. Pictured above is Mahatma Gandhi taking his morning walk. The belly can be most definitely seen as leading [...]

Grains, pain and inflammation

Did you know the dumping ground for the organs tends to be in the lower limb? This shows particularly in the knees and hips. The majority of clients that walk through the door of my studios exhibit painful hips and knees caused by inflammation. This usually happens in conjunction with the gut wall (leaky gut). [...]

Do we need orthotics?

Orthotics & the lower limb Like me you probably have an expensive pair of orthotics thrown at the back of the wardrobe. I have not worn mine now for 19 years but also wore them as a professional dancer in my dance shoes. A foot orthotic is only ONE part of the treatments used by podiatrists [...]

Pain part 1 – “The cure for pain is in the pain” Rumi

What exactly did Rumi mean with: "The cure for pain is in the pain?" Whether it be physical, mental or emotional pain we all run away from it. We are geared towards everything pleasant in life and to steer away from anything unpleasant, it's human instinct. Avoidance is hardwired into us as a route of survival. If [...]

Connective tissue turnover & eccentric training

Can you really achieve healing and postural results on the body during a small period of time? Medical studies tell us that a minimum of twelve weeks is required to achieve effective recovery and tissue adaptation. All our studios offer twelve week courses, any less than this and the client will not achieve long term benefits [...]

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