accepting change

“If it does not work remove it” said the surgeon and the car mechanic

“If it does not work remove it” said the surgeon and the car mechanic When things break in the house, garden, car and body we have a simple quick fix solution, which saves a lot of time, energy, effort and resources. That is to say simply remove it and perhaps replace it. However, we only [...]

Happiness & Pain

Happiness & Pain - It's not the mountain we conquer but ourselves  We are always striving for more discovery, to find new civilisations, to find new drugs, to cure the world's problems, to cure disease and pain. Did you know when we listen, read, watch or participate in anything we are only actually present for [...]

Pain part 1 – “The cure for pain is in the pain” Rumi

What exactly did Rumi mean with: "The cure for pain is in the pain?" Whether it be physical, mental or emotional pain we all run away from it. We are geared towards everything pleasant in life and to steer away from anything unpleasant, it's human instinct. Avoidance is hardwired into us as a route of survival. If [...]

Did Gandhi & Michael Jackson have anything in common?

Two different men from different era's but the same meaning. Write now you’re probably about ready to quit dry January or New years resolutions will be fading fast. Why are diets and lifestyle changes easy to implement but difficult to sustain? Clients are always telling me why they cannot start class or come for sessions, there will [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:14+01:00January 16th, 2017|accepting change, Philsophy|0 Comments
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