Yearly Archives: 2017

Finding the right rehab studio for your pain

There are a number of concerns regarding strength training in a rehab setting. Finding the right studio and the right person to understand you can be a frustrating proposition. At our clinics, we make sure that we speak to all our clients individually first. Before we even consider charging them. Inflammation in joints and surrounding [...]

Do we need orthotics?

Orthotics & the lower limb Like me you probably have an expensive pair of orthotics thrown at the back of the wardrobe. I have not worn mine now for 19 years but also wore them as a professional dancer in my dance shoes. A foot orthotic is only ONE part of the treatments used by podiatrists [...]

Keeping active as we age

"You are only as old as our spine"-  Joe Pilates In many cultures around the world the ageing population is greatly respected as elders with great wisdom and experience. None of us want to get old and we are constantly being sold potions, pills and gimmicks to give us the elixir of life. Whilst studying the [...]

Healing from anger and frustration

Healing and making sense of it all This week the Manchester community has really been put to the test physically, mentally and spiritually. The massive support locally and from around the world has been overwhelming making the community stronger. Everyone will feel some sort of emotion and we are all different, it could be anger, [...]

“If it does not work remove it” said the surgeon and the car mechanic

“If it does not work remove it” said the surgeon and the car mechanic When things break in the house, garden, car and body we have a simple quick fix solution, which saves a lot of time, energy, effort and resources. That is to say simply remove it and perhaps replace it. However, we only [...]

Neck Pain, headaches & the female form

Every single one of us is an athlete, this is because we came from an environment of hunter/gatherers and we fought to survive, eat, sleep and move. Our skeletal structure has not changed for thousands of years but what has is the new shiny electronic convenient world. Our muscular skeletal system has adapted to the [...]

By |2021-06-20T10:00:09+01:00May 6th, 2017|anatomy, pain|0 Comments

Happiness & Pain

Happiness & Pain - It's not the mountain we conquer but ourselves  We are always striving for more discovery, to find new civilisations, to find new drugs, to cure the world's problems, to cure disease and pain. Did you know when we listen, read, watch or participate in anything we are only actually present for [...]

Body worlds Gunther von Hagens controversial “Happiness project”

Gunther's "Happiness project" More success, more money, more friends, all to come closer to our goal in life - Happiness. But once we have it all we  are not always satisfied. We want to experience this feeling again and again, even if it might become too much of a good thing. We are not satisfied [...]

The Chakra System – fact or fiction?

Whether you think chakras are airy-fairy or have significant connotations, the evidence shows how the structural/postural relationships and muscular imbalances connect with the  human being. When we are in any sort of pain,  discomfort, or experience a tragedy in life, we embark on a journey of self-exploration and self discovery. If we want to achieve [...]

Pain part 1 – “The cure for pain is in the pain” Rumi

What exactly did Rumi mean with: "The cure for pain is in the pain?" Whether it be physical, mental or emotional pain we all run away from it. We are geared towards everything pleasant in life and to steer away from anything unpleasant, it's human instinct. Avoidance is hardwired into us as a route of survival. If [...]


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